Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 2, 2010

March 2010 Blog Giveaway!!


Hello again my lovely readers!! It has finally come again for the 3rd time this's my March 2010 Blog Giveaway!!!! wooooohooooooo!!! :D I'm so excited! This time around, I'm giving away prizes for three lucky winners. I've decided to choose a color theme for this giveaway....and the color of choice for this month is BROWN! :)

Here is how you can win these lovely cards. The rules this time around is a little different than the previous months. This time, I will only give one entry for participants who blog about my giveaway in their respective blogs. You can earn an entry by following the simple steps below....

1.You must "FOLLOW" this blog / "BE A FOLLOWER" and leave a comment on this post. You can comment anything you wish regards to my card blog. Be sure to also write your name and your valid email address at your comment. Then you must blog about this giveaway in your own blog and link my blog to yours.

Best of luck to all participants! This giveaway ends on the 9th of March 2010 at 11.59pm. A winner will be chosen by a lucky draw. The name of the winner will be announced on the 10th of March 2010. Thank you!!! :)))))


Another pop up remote control car....


Yes....another one of those remote control car design for today :). This order came from the same customer. So I made it in a different color. Even the front design is done differently. If you remember the first one I did, I place the wordings at the center of the card. But this one I placed it at the side on the left. I still pasted the matching buttons....coz those are cute! hehehe!

Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 2, 2010

Purple cupcakes!


OK! Another version of the purple foam cupcakes! Yup! I made this one for a regular customer who's giving this card for her dear daughter. The original design I made was done vertically and this one is done horizontally.

For the pop up I decided to do something different. This time around since my customer let me make the decisions, I decided that I want the cupcakes to be inside the card too. This is so that it matches the design on the outside. And since I did not make any wordings for the outside of the card, I made wordings for the inside and pop it up! I'm loving this idea at the moment! :)

Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 2, 2010

Sending you all my love.....


Another design I made that resembles V011....except that this one is bigger, no ribbons, no foams, no glitters....and the colors are all different's a combination of white, black, and different shades of red. I remembered last year, one lady requested this color combination from me to do on this design. But at the time, I was still in the midst of sorting out my stuff because I had just moved back here from Kuala Lumpur. I didn't have the time to do it for her. But she said once I have the time to do it, she would like to see that design someday here in my blog. So here it is for her. Hope she sees it. :)

I made a different pop up for the card though. It is something that I've wanted to do since last year. The day I saw this type of pop up from Extreme Cards and Paper crafting blog, I told myself that one day I would try to do something similar after looking at the step by step tutorial there. I did try to do at first something just like the one I saw in the blog, but unfortunately it was harder to do it than I thought! hehehe! So after several trials, I gave up and decided to do it my way and just added all those small heart shapes on the swirling paper pop up instead. So that was how this pop up idea came about. I wanted to do something totally different, and ended up with this one instead! LOL! Oh well! At least I tried! It's kinda cool too to see how it pops up and then gather back together again.

It was kinda difficult to take photos of it too. Didn't know how to take them from which I just took them in 3 different angles just so that you can visualize it better. Hope you guys have an idea how the pop up is just by looking at the photos. I know that Valentines Day is over, but this card can also be sent to a loved one on any other day of the show them how much you love them. :)))

Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 2, 2010

Winners of Blog Giveaway February 2010!!

Dear lovely readers....

Today is the day I will be announcing the names of the Blog Giveaway for the month of February. I am so happy to see a lot more people are participating in it. It's great! Thank you so much for the support and encouragement and the participation in my humble giveaway. Thank you for the feedback from my dear readers. It means so much to me! :)

I am happy to announce the 2 lucky winners of the February's 2010 Blog Giveaway.... :). As I did last month, the winners are chosen by a lucky draw. And as always I do get pretty nervous when drawing out those two lucky winner's name from the basket. I leave it all up to my Mom....she will do it for me as I just cannot seem to handle the stress! hahahaha! LOL!

As I shook the basket full of names of the participants written on the paper.....I asked my Mom to draw out two from it. I slowly opened up the folded paper and..........slowly looked at the names of the winners......and they are...........................




Congratulations to both of you for being this month's lucky winners!!! Please email me your full name and complete mailing address and contact number today, at my yahoo email "", so that I can post the prizes to you as soon as I can. :)

Thank you again everyone! Looking forward for the next blog giveaway next month! More prizes to be won!


Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 2, 2010

Lots of pink colors!


This was a request from my Mom's friend :). This was probably one of the fasted custom made pop up cards I've ever made because I didn't have any guideline for particular request, therefore I had total freedom to do whatever I want....whatever my heart desires. :) Don't you just love it when that happens? hehehe.....well I for one love that freedom a lot!

I recently bought this soft sweet pink paper and wanted desperately to use it in one of my designs. So I thought this was the perfect opportunity! Yay! With those big flowers as my inspiration, I just thought of a certain color combination that would fit the color of the card and went along with my instinct. Thus this design was created!

I personally love pop up design inside.....not the flowers, but the part where the stalk of the flowers were woven into the pop up itself. It's like a basket weave you see. I've made an effort to do that technique before. And now, once again here but the difference was, I pasted another layer of paper on the pop up to make it more sturdy. But the thickness of two layers of paper made it difficult for me to weave it. Nonetheless, the pop p was a success.......I manage to do it!! I am so happy about it. I even added the lovely butterflies.....cute! Hope the receiver of this card will love it too! :)

Chủ Nhật, 7 tháng 2, 2010

A remake of JFY002

JFY003 long has it been since I last made a "Just For You" card? Pretty long!! hehehe! I have not been making any for a long long time......this year, I received a request to make a birthday card and my customer knew what he wanted already. But....he wanted the card to have the same design as the design I made for this JFY002. So.....that is how the front design will look like.....but the inside would have a pop up flower bouquet with birthday wishes in it. I informed him that it's kinda difficult to do that pop up on a small card because the JFY002 card is only 10.4cm x 14.7 cm. So later he agreed to do it on a bigger card thus how this size of card came about.

To be honest......I am loving this new design much better than the old one because this time I get to use the new materials.....such as glitter glue and foam! Yes! I personally feel that it looks much more better this way. I'm just sharing here the design without the birthday wishes......this is how it looks like before I added the wordings inside. The wordings are kinda personal to my customer so I thought perhaps I just show you guys the basic design. :)

Update on February 2010 Blog giveaway.....

Wow.....I'm getting pretty excited about this month's blog giveaway. There's only two more days left and 2 lucky winners will be announced! :)

I have so far 2 participants who are from from Sri Lanka and the other is from USA......they are a bit concerned on whether they are eligible to participate in this humble blog giveaway. Actually, YES! They are eligible! Why not?? My blog giveaway is meant for in Malaysia and everywhere else around the world! It doesn't matter where you are from, I will be giving the prizes to you if you are declared the winner :).

Just gotta make sure also that you leave your contact details at your comment.....I mean your email address, so that I can contact you if you are declared the winner. Otherwise, I would have to give the prize to someone else. So please make sure, all rules are followed as stated in the blog giveaway post. :)

I really am so happy that I also got suggestions from the participants who are very supportive and concerned about my card blog. I shall use your suggestions the best way I can. I really appreciate them very much. I love to get feedback from my readers, as this will help me improve my little business here and make it a much more interesting place for my readers to visit and find much pleasure visiting here whenever they have some free time. Thank you so much for all the lovely comments :) . Appreciate them a lot!!!

So, if you are reading this and are interested in participating, quickly go to the Blog giveaway post by clicking HERE and read the rules of the giveaway and leave a comment there to earn your entry! Good luck to all!!!


Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 2, 2010

Will you be mine...?


Look familiar??? Yup! It's an old design with new paper and new wordings! hehehe! What a way to recycle a good idea huh? I even added a new pop up inside it! :)

I really loved the old Valentines Day card design that I made in 2009. The code is V011. It's a favorite among my customers too. The original design was made using a purple base paper. For this particular card design, I choose to use a red color paper instead. Not dark red....just scarlet red.

The pop up I did for this design is actually a mix of pop ups I've done before. This is the first time I'm doing a V-fold type of pop up for a small card like this one. Usually I would do it on larger sized cards. So the pop up is looking pretty cute and small here....hehehe....

Hope you guys like it! :)

Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 2, 2010

Be Mine Forever....


I wish I could give this card to someone, but I can't because I know he does not like me anyways....huhuhu! It would be pointless to send it to him.....since I already know the answer. :( The design is kinda symbolic in a way.......the way the heart shape foams flows in between the you guys see what I was trying to convey here in this design?? I wonder if you see it the way I do..... :)

As you can see design has been done for the inside of the card yet.....not even an envelope! ha! I just wanted to share this as soon as I made it........This is the first time also for me to use the butterfly craft punch. I bought it at Tesco in Alor is not a branded craft punch....I was worried that it would not be so good in quality.....luckily it worked out well and it's quite sharp. I can't remember the brand name though as I already threw away the package. But I sure do love the pattern of the butterfly...hence that was why I bought it in the first place hehehe.... :)