Thứ Ba, 21 tháng 1, 2014

Making books books and more books

This is what I've been up to for the past few weeks....aside from preparing stocks for my quilling supplies. It's quite evident that I'm really hooked on book binding. It has completely taken over the card making activities! Yikes!!!





I think this multicoloured paper notebook is my favourite so far coz it's so colourful! So bright and cheerful to look at too. It would be nice to make the pages colourful by choosing the colours that would match the same colours available on the book cover.


All the books above are A5 sized books and have 200 pages each. I used 80gsm paper as they are easy to work with and suitable to use for making notebooks. I used to have problems in choosing the right type of thread for sewing the books but now I don't have that issue anymore. I love the threads I'm using now and it's very smooth and does not get entangled as much as the other types I've used before.

I also started collecting a lot of wrapping paper for the book covers. It can get a little carried away coz there's just so many nice ones to choose from. ;)

I've managed to sell some of the books and given away some as gifts too. It's been a real joy to do it. I've even tried to make smaller hand-bound books that are A6 size and that's really fun too. It's takes less time to get done and is super cute to see and hold. Will blog about that soon. ;)

Thứ Hai, 6 tháng 1, 2014

My first Kettle Stitch hand-bound book!


This is my first creation for this year....and I'm super excited about it firstly because this is my first order of hand-bound book and it's from a customer all the way from USA ;). Secondly it's because it's my first try at Kettle Stitch binding. I didn't know how to do it at first so I experimented and to my surprise it worked! I couldn't find a tutorial online for this, so I just observed a lot of photos of Kettle stitch hand-bound books by other book binders via online and tried to figure out how the bow pattern or some call it the butterfly pattern is formed.

Perhaps if there are book binders out there who are experts on this Kettle Stitch binding can correct me if they see there's something wrong with the way I bind the book. But so far, I don't have problems with the book at seems to be able to open up pretty well and are bound together nicely too. However I do appreciate constructive comments and criticism as I'm still a beginner in book binding :).

At first my customer ordered this -> Japanese hand-bound book from me but I had to make a decision to change the method of binding the book because of the type of paper used for making the book is a bit too thick for Japanese binding. She wanted a book for sketching and drawing so I used an acid free paper that is pretty heavy, about 165gsm for the pages. There's only 50 ++ pages for this book. Another reason why I changed the binding method is because the Kettle Stitch binding is perfect for people who want to use the book for sketching and drawing....coz the book can be opened flat like the photo you see above unlike the Japanese binding which is a bit difficult to do so especially if the paper is a heavy one or thick.

I made it very simple for her since that is the way she likes it especially since the pattern paper itself is already very pretty. It's the same Japanese pattern paper that I got from WholePort. I love it a lot too. :). The bookmark for the book is crocheted and beaded to suit the book. I also love the string or thread used for sewing/binding the book with. It's so easy to use and love the shiny effect of the material.

I am pretty happy with this new binding I mean hehehehe....although I'm still learning, I do appreciate the support I'm getting from my customers, readers and followers. You guys are the best! I get motivated to try something new not only because I believe I can....but also because you believe in me too! And for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart ;).

Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 1, 2014

Winners of November and December 2013 Blog Giveaway

2013 was a good year indeed! So many many good memories of crafting and creating here at my humble abode. I'm hoping to create many more good memories for the new year. Been very busy with orders starting from 1st of January till now. It's like a roller-coaster ride than never ends. I almost forgot about the last blog giveaway I did last year. So without further delay, I'll announce who are the winners who will be receiving each a Japanese hand-bound book.

I am pleased to announce that Safiya and Mastura Aziz are the lucky winners of the November and December 2013 blog giveaway!!!! One winner from Dubai and one from Malaysia. Congratulations to both of you! I do hope both of you can contact me soon with your full mailing details so that I can post the books to you this month.

This year, my blog giveaways won't be done on monthly basis anymore. I plan to do it a little differently this time around. I plan to give more but will be holding it lesser than usual. So that I have more time to do other activities. I also hope that the gifts will be better and more fabulous as well hehehe! ;)

Thank you again everyone for making 2013 a great year for me and let's make more wonderful memories for 2014! Have a great year everyone!