Thứ Tư, 29 tháng 8, 2012

Stamping and quilling


I had been busy during the fasting month cleaning up my studio. It looked so darn messy for the past few months. I could barely walk around it as there were just too many stuff lying on the floor, on the table...there were just too many stuff everywhere! Such a mess. I wonder how I was able to work in such a condition sometimes. One day, I just couldn't take it anymore and had to get it all cleaned up and organized. Finally after a few days, I managed to get it done and was surprised to find things that I thought were lost.....well, I thought they were lost....but actually there were in the same studio....just hidden under loads of stuff that I had been piling up inside.

While I was cleaning the room and organizing some of my craft products, I felt a little guilty because I just realised that I have some craft products that I haven't even used. I bought some over the years and some that were given to me as gifts but I never got to use them. All kept nicely hidden in boxes and drawers. All forgotten. I guess it has something to do with my little obsession with quilling that took over everything. But now I think I should try to combine quilling with the other techniques or at least try to use those products that I bought so that it would not get spoiled over the years. 

That's how this new card design came about....coz I was thinking of using up all my rubber stamps and ink pads that I have in my collection. This card is a mini one...just a small cute card. I love making small cards these days. Perhaps coz it's faster to get them done...hehehe! So this is just a get warmed up :). I made a few of this card design to keep as stock. I need to make more stock for other occasions as well. Hope to keep this high spirit up for at least till the end of the year. So much to get done and experiment with! >.< wooohooooo!!

Thứ Sáu, 10 tháng 8, 2012

Redecorate old raya cards

I was just looking through my card box the other day and found these old collection of ketupat raya cards in it. The truth is......these ketupat raya cards are old raya card designs that I made in the year 2008 haha!! So long ago!! But at the time I didn't know about quilling yet...and so the decorations I made for these ketupat cards were quite palin and simple. I just mainly played with colours , some sequins, gold dots and ribbons.

I still have quite a few of them in stock and I was thinking of what to do with them.....I thought of adding some quilled oil lamps on it just to make it more interesting :). I had some quilled oil lamps that I made for my 2010 raya card designs ....... and decided to see if they could somehow fit on the cards as decorations and WALLA!!! They fit nicely on the squares that's on cards!! :) They were just the right size for the squares. :)

So now the cards look a little different from the original design I made simply by just adding those quilled oil lamps. And it looks new! :D haha! Like a new design even though it's an old one haha :) I guess this is just another way of redecorating old cards to make them look a little fancy than usual ;).

Thứ Ba, 7 tháng 8, 2012

Crochet theme raya cards

HR025 Red Horizontal

HR025 Red Vertical

HR025 Pink Horizontal

HR025 Pink Vertical

Pink and red crochet theme raya cards! It is just slightly smaller than the A6 size cards but slightly bigger than the mini ones I've made before :) hehe! I'm pretty excited about this design because this is the first time I get to use my Crochet pattern punch all over the page craft punch by Martha Stewart. It was a bit tricky to use it in the beginning but after practicing a few times, I managed to get it right! Yes!

I just thought that the pattern was suitable for raya cards as the pattern kinda resembled an Islamic pattern a bit hehe! Plus I get to use the crochet flowers that I made before too to match the crochet pattern paper! I haven't used them for quite some time so it was nice to be able to use them for my raya cards :). Gosh, I haven't crochet any flowers for so long! I wonder if I would still remember how to do it again LOL! :D

The envelope for the raya cards were handmade using the scoring board and I made box envelopes instead of the usual slim type. This is because the slim type would not be able to fit the crochet flower inside it nicely. But when I made the box envelope, it fits nicely and no bulging occurred when I sealed the card inside. Loving it :).

Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 8, 2012

Mini Raya cards

                                              HR024 (Red)

                                               HR024 (Pink)

                                           HR024 (Green)

                                             HR024 (Blue)  

I guess these are the most simple Raya cards I've ever made and the smallest ones too! LOL! Yes, they are quite small in size...smaller than the A6 size cards.  I decided to make small ones because first of all I wanted so badly to use those cute envelopes I made using the scoring board hehehe! The envelopes are quite small in size so I had to make cards that would fit in them. And secondly because I wanted to be able to make more handmade Raya cards for myself to use this year and since this design is a very simple one therefore it takes less time for me to get them done hehee! I just love simple, clean cut designs :).

As usual, year after favourite subject matter for Raya cards has always been the Ketupat. Last year, I made miniature Ketupats using the smallest ribbons, but this year I decided to make Ketupats using the paper cut technique. The same technique that I used for my bookmarks. I just drew a simple design of a Ketupat and cut out the shape using a craft knife. I enjoyed doing that :).

I do have another design I made for my Raya card collection......using another technique that I love.....but I will be blogging about that in another post soon..... ;)

Thứ Năm, 2 tháng 8, 2012

August 2012 Blog Giveaway

Hello everyone!

It is now time for giveaway number 8! Yes, already the 8th month...the 8th time I'm giving away prizes for my loyal readers ;).

I didn't have time to make a card or something creative so I decided to giveaway some craft products that you might fancy receiving :). 

I have new rules for this giveaway so please read it carefully before entering it. It's pretty easy to enter this giveaway. Everyone with a BLOG is eligible to enter it. Please read the instructions carefully:

1. "LIKE" my Facebook Fan Page .
2.  "FOLLOW" my blog.
3. Post a photo of this giveaway at your BLOG with a link that leads to this giveaway post. 
4. Write your name and your BLOG URL link at Mr. Linky's widget below.

This giveaway runs from today till 11.59pm on 31th of August 2012. I shall announce the name of the lucky winner during the first week of September 2012. Thank you so much for participating!!! ;) XOXO

Thứ Tư, 1 tháng 8, 2012

Winner of the July 2012 Blog Giveaway

The July 2012 Blog Giveaway is officially CLOSED! And the winner for the July 2012 Blog Giveaway isssssssssss ---------------> Lucky number 40!!!!! Miss Norsi!!!!

Congratulations Miss Norsi for winning the handmade tri shutter card. Hope you can email me your full details so that I can post the tri shutter card to you soon.

Thank you all who have participated in my giveaway.  73 participants altogether. Thank you for your support and for your kind patience in entering my giveaway. Appreciate it very much! :)

I will be holding another giveaway for August...........will be blogging about it soon...... ;)