Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 8, 2011

Our 3rd Anniversary


About a month ago, I received an order to make a tri shutter card for my customer and in the beginning I thought I was not going to be able to pull if off because the idea for the card just never arrived when I wanted it to. It came at the very end. haha! That is usually the case with me. Ideas, don't come by whenever I want them to so I took quite a while to get this order done. But I was so happy that I managed to get it done on time :). 

My customer requested that the card be in red and black in color. She did liked the TOY002 tri shutter card that is red and black in color too but I wanted to try and do a different design for her instead. I don't have pattern papers in hand. Never bought them before. The only ones I have are the ones given to me by a friend and I prefer not to use them for my customers as I wish to use them for myself hehehe! So, for my customer I design the patterns on the card on my own simply by creating patterns using foam hearts, beads and shapes of hearts made by heart shape craft punch. The silver polka dots are actually paper dots made by a new craft punch I bought recently. I just love using it to make those polka dots patterns. hehe!

This card is definitely not something easy for me to make and it really did tested my patience and ability as a card maker. I need to practice more to make it better in future. :)

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