Thứ Năm, 13 tháng 10, 2011

A tri-shutter card with pop up!


At's done. And I'm pretty happy with how it turned out. :) I never thought that what my customer suggested to me would actually work out in the end. I think sometimes my own customer has more faith in me that I do with myself. She actually believed that I could do it even though I didn't in the beginning. And sure enough I did it. And I have her to thank for this. If it wasn't for her, I don't think I would have done it at all. So, thank you so much Sharifah, for believing in me ;).

If you are wondering what I'm talking about, I was actually referring to the pop up inside the tri-shutter card. It's a simple pop up. Much simpler than the one my customer requested in the beginning. When I told her I couldn't deliver what she requested, she then told me to just make simple one as long as there is a pop up inside it. So, I did a simple pop up, with a slight difference from my usual heart shape pop up. I did a cut out at the heart shape itself and added a couple of small hand cut heart shapes on it. All the heart shapes inside the tri-shutter card are hand cut by yours truly, including the foam hearts. :)

My customer loved my AC007 card, especially the foam hearts on it, so that's why I added them to this card but I chose a different colour for each foam heart and added gold and silver glitter glue on them to make them look fancy :).

This card has an Indian influence in it. That's why the I've chosen the these types of colour and patterned paper for it. It suits the occasion and gives it the touch of Indian fashion and design to it. I added those gold coloured sequins on the patterned paper. It seems to fit just nicely on it. I love the effect it gives. :)

I would have thank my dear friend Sandi for these patterned paper. She gave them to me for my birthday and I just had to use them for this custom order that I thought suited it perfectly. So, looks like I can't make the exact same design anymore because this paper is limited. Thus making this card a one of a kind. I won't be able to make another one just like it......... :)

Thứ Hai, 10 tháng 10, 2011

Featured in Sinar Harian - Niaga Online

I'm featured in the newspaper today! ;) This time it's from Sinar Harian. A one page article about my online business. I was approached by a journalist, Miss Norhana Fariza from Sinar Harian a few months ago to do an interview regarding my online business and the whole interview was done through email. That's how easy it is nowadays, the distance is no longer an issue. So even though she is in Kuala Lumpur, and I'm in Alor Setar, we can still do the interview via email :). 

I answered all of her questions through email and gave her the permission to use my photos from the blog for this article. :)

I'm very thankful to Sinar Harian that I was given this opportunity to be featured in their newspaper. I didn't imagine that I would get the chance to be featured again this year hihi. So thank you so much for supporting and appreciating what I do for a living....I feel blessed indeed :).

I took the photo of me with the cards on my working table all by please excuse the blurry photo haha. I put my digital camera on a box and pressed on the self timer and got the shot! I should get myself a tripod one of these days! haha! I said it before but never bought one yet......guess it's high time I did :D. It would have been much easier to take photos if I had that tripod around. ;)

Thứ Sáu, 7 tháng 10, 2011

Combing two tone flowers

As you can all see........yes, truly, deeply I'm absolutely addicted to this quilling comb tool nowadays :D, I can't help it. I don't know when is it going to wear off......hopefully not anytime soon haha. I happen to stumble upon another design in the net when I was doing my research on the quilling comb technique and I saw some images of the flowers with two colors in it. That really caught my eye! I kept wondering how do I do it??? I couldn't find any video tutorials on how to do it so I kept experimenting on my own until I found the way. 

It's actually quite simple. The concept is the same like the looping technique whereby you glue two different colours of quilling strips together at the ends and off you go and use the quilling comb to slip the strips each colour at a time through the quilling comb. I haven't the chance to do a tutorial on this yet but will do so when I have the time. :)

I love the blank cards I got from my friend Sandi and I used them to decorate the quilled items on it. I really adore the gold frame around it. :) Such a small cute card, suitable for using as a thank you card or just a note card. I wonder where can I buy cards like that here in Malaysia.....does anyone know? 

Below are a couple more cards I made combining two colours of quilling strips for the flower. :)

I'm not sure if you can see clearly here in this cascading loop technique the two different tone of pink quilling paper combined in one. One is cyber pink and the other is fluorescent pink. One darker shade and the other is lighter. I just love this particular technique the best :).

Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 10, 2011

Creating cascading loops's official....I'm addicted to using this quilling comb!! I've been combing these flowers non stop. I should stop and concentrate on finishing up my card orders! haha! I'm just super excited that's's like having a new toy and I just can't stop playing with it. I just found out another technique from the internet that I can do using the quilling comb and that's how it looks. I love it! Here's some more below. The one below is the one I tried making in the beginning and the one on top is the one I did later on. I got to make the petals in that shape just by pushing the ends of the petals inwards, thus making it broader in shape.

It's actually very very easy to do and I've taken some photos of how I made the petals. Have a look at them below. I hope you can understand how it is done just by looking at those step by step photos of the combing technique and try making the flowers yourself using the quilling comb :). You can also view this video tutorial I made on how to make these cascading loops. Do check it out! ;)





*As you can see at the photo above, every time I slip the quilling strips through the comb I would put some white glue at the bottom part so that each loop would stick at the ends and so the loops won't get loose easily.


The final result.......a petal.....which can also be turned into a leaf if you use green quilling strips. :)

I also tried to use two different sizes of petals in one flower and I used two different type of colours too. There is no limit to what we can do with this technique......we can also combine different colours in one petal too! I have yet to try that, but will do so soon! hihi! Below is the last flower I did for today. :) So happy!!