Thứ Tư, 14 tháng 11, 2012

November 2012 Blog Giveaway

Hello everybody! ^.^

It is now time for giveaway number 11! It's a bit late....already half the month gone.....I've been so busy with work etc that I didn't have the time to do this giveaway earlier. Finally now I get to do it ;).

As you can see, this time around I'm giving away this handmade card I made sometime can have a closer look at the details of the card at the link here --> 

I really hope you would read carefully the rules for this giveaway and follow them so that you won't get left out from winning this giveaway. The rules are very easy to follow and are listed below:

Everyone with a BLOG is eligible to enter it. I don't accept entries with links from Facebook. Please read the instructions carefully:

1. "LIKE" my Facebook Fan Page . Do click on the Like button which you can find at the top right corner of my blog.

2.  "FOLLOW" my blog.

3. Copy the photo of this giveaway and add it at the sidebar of your blog with a link that leads back to this giveaway post.

4. Write your name and your blog url link at Mr. Linky's widget below.

5. You can only enter this giveaway once...please do not enter more than once using different blog links. I only allow 1 participant per entry. Those who fail to comply to the rules will be deleted from the list.

This little giveaway runs from today till 11.59pm on 30th of November 2012. I shall announce the name of the lucky winner during the first week of December 2012. Thank you so much for participating!!! ;) 


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