Chủ Nhật, 31 tháng 3, 2013

Winner of March 2013 Blog Giveaway

Ok....I'm super early this time in announcing the winner for my blog giveaway ehehe! The lucky winner for March 2013 Blog Giveaway is lucky Miss Bhawana! Congratulations to you Miss Bhawana for winning the blank cards, colourful buttons and die cut pattern paper from Wholeport.

Please email me at with all your details so that I can post the gifts to you as soon as possible. :)

Thank you also to all who took the trouble to participate in my blog giveaway last month. Thank you for promoting it at your blogs and Facebook......I truly appreciate it a lot :).

For April's giveaway, something really cool will be in the list of stuff I'll be giveaway. Something from Wholeport as be sure to participate in my next giveaway ya! Will post about it soon :)

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