Chủ Nhật, 28 tháng 3, 2010

Blue on black......


This card design was a request from my customer who loved the blue heart shape buttons and sequins card I made sometime ago. I heart it too! hihhihi! But the one I did before, had a design that was more suitable to be given to a lady. This one is suitable for both actually, it can be given to a man or a women. 

The original blue heart shape buttons and sequins card was done on a beige colored card. My customer wanted it to be blue on black. So I chose this really smooth pitch black card that's great for pasting on buttons and sequins in large quantity.

Notice the big pop up heart inside the card?'s similar to the Elmo card I made recently. Except that this one is a combination of blues, purple and beige. I also added the wordings my customer requested me to add on the pop up heart itself. Just exactly like the one I did for the Elmo card. I kinda like it done that way :).

Thứ Bảy, 27 tháng 3, 2010

New born babies!



I got orders from my Mom to make these two new baby cards today. She said...." just make a simple design as quick as you can...and you got two hours to do so! I'm going to a aqiqah kenduri later and I need those by hook or by crook you got to get them done ok!" . YIKES!!!! Luckily I have some printed wordings for baby cards which I have been keeping for quite some time now. I do have plans on making baby cards with them but till now have not been able to do so because I have been so busy keeping up with the other orders. So I guess today, the time finally came for me to do it! LOL!

Honestly I've always wanted to do a baby card with a baby sleeping in a cloth like one of those kind the stork would carry in his beak hihihihi.. :) But I didn't make any stork here.....I didn't have the time to do it. Maybe next time I would include it.  :) I didn't have much idea, and since time was quite I just "hentam sajalah" or shall I say..."I just do what I can anyway I know how"....and I tried my level best to make it look as sweet as possible. Sweet and simple! :)

Thứ Năm, 25 tháng 3, 2010

Shopaholic theme...


A shopaholic theme! First time for me to do this. I was given the freedom to design it however I want to with this card. So I was thinking of doing something colorful and cheerful. I made all the decorations with all sorts of rainbow hehehe. 

The decorations on the card were hand drawn and hand cut. It was pretty difficult to cut the high heel shoes....I cut it using a very sharp craft knife. That's a first time for me to do that. I love making the handbags though :) The pop up of the shopaholic girl was fun to make. I made her wear a bootcut jeans and a pearly white blouse and pink inner. It's something that a lot of young girls love to wear these days. I did some research online to get some ideas and I saw a few photos of shopaholic holding shopping that's why I made her holding those bags to show that she had done a lot of shopping :) Hope she likes it!

Thứ Sáu, 19 tháng 3, 2010

More cupcakes!


Cupcakes all around! hehehe! Yes, this is an order I received from a customer who requested me to design a birthday card with cupcakes scattered on the card. She was interested in my HB057 cupcake card and also my HB054 pop up cake, so I combined the two to create this pinky purple theme cupcake card as per request.

The wordings at the front of the card was done using clear stamp with the wordings "Make a Wish". The ink I used is dark purple. It's so dark that it kinda looks like indigo. I was thinking of using pink but decided to use purple instead because it would stand out more. The pink ink color I had was a little too soft.

As usual I enjoyed playing with foams. They simple are fun to play with! Making the cupcakes with them are a treat! I've done purple cupcakes before and now I get to do pink ones. Love them! :)

Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 3, 2010

A another version of V011....


This is another version of V011 (Half A4 size). I used a much more quality paper for the base of the card. It's a metallic dark purple paper. You can't see it that much the metallic part because it's covered will loads of hearts on it :). But if you look at the close up photo you can see how it shines when it hits the light.

As you can see, I still use about the same type of colors except I just played around with it. Instead of using a lighter shade of purple as the base of the card, I used a darker shade instead. The hearts on the card still have the original red, pink and white colors, except there is no dark red. So I just played around with the combination of colors and see what looks good.

I still included the heart shape foam on the card except that I cut it into a much smaller size and pasted them on the paper hearts. I first started doing that style in my HB052 card. I like doing that style. But cutting the foam into such a small size is kinda hard to do. I had to be careful because one small mistake will ruin it altogether.

I also did the pop up differently this time. Instead of a big pink heart, I did a big red heart with small and tiny hearts on it. To be honest, this kind of pop up never really looks exactly the same every time I do it. Because I don't have a specific template for the small hearts. Every one of it is done spontaneously. Arranged spontaneously too. No specific arrangement. I just did what I felt was right. :)

Thứ Ba, 16 tháng 3, 2010

Custom officer's retirement and birthday card..


This is one of the hardest figure drawing I've ever had to do! :) I did have a good time on the it though. The front design was simple, but time consuming. Notice how all the heart shapes comes in different sizes? Because all were cut using plain only scissors. No craft punch involved. All cut individually by hand.

The colors of the hearts were determined by my customer. She wanted the same design like V021 but instead of just white and red hearts, she wanted also pink to be included together. It looks so cheerful! :)

My customer gave me photos of her father when he was much younger and was working as a custom officer. He was young and slim back then you can see the contrast of how he looks now when he has retired from the service. I drew the figures with the help of the photos she gave me of her father. I tried my best to make it looks as close as possible to the real person. I really hope he likes it! :)

Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 3, 2010

A pop up man in a suit with a cake! :)


:) One more figure pop up! Yes, and this time I was requested to do a birthday card with a guy wearing an executive suit and a brief case. I wanted to do something like the lady in the executive suit that I did before but I made his body a bit too big to be pasted at the front of the card. So I decided to pop him up inside with a small cake.

What I did differently this time? Well, this time around I pop up a square on the left and right of the card. On the left I pasted the guy and on right I pasted the cake. I like the cake because I used glittered organza to decorate it other than the ribbon. Another thing I love about the pop up is the guy's hair hehehe.....I drew it with an ink pen. I really enjoyed doing that once I got the hang of it. I still have a couple more figure pop ups to make this week. Pretty tough ones too. I hope I will be able to make good ones this time. So worried about it. Wish me luck!! :)

A new winner!!

Hello everyone.....finally I have selected another winner for March Blog's really sad that the other winner didn't claim her prize from me last week. So inevitably I have to do another lucky draw to replace her. And so the new winner is........... :)

Miss Edora Hanum

Miss Edora....I hope you can email me your complete name and address plus your contact number so that I can post you the prizes tomorrow. Thank you! And congrats!!

Thứ Bảy, 13 tháng 3, 2010

Terima Kasih Chenta....


Ain't it sweet? hehhehe! I must say that I really love the color combination here. Soft pink, turquoise, white and purple, plus a little touch of silver. This is a request I got from my previous customer's husband. Before this, my customer surprised him with my handmade card, and now he is surprising her with a similar card to thank her for the surprise she gave him. Sweet huh? hehehe..... :)

He suggested that I use similar colors like the card he received which was purple and pink theme but since it is to be given to a lady, I thought perhaps I should make it more softer and sweeter. He also suggested I use turquoise since she loves that color too.

Actually I made this card a lot earlier but couldn't publish it here yet because I had to wait till the surprise is over in order to do it. I can't risk having her see the card before the surprise. hehehe....So once I got the green light, I can now publish it here today. So happy about that. It's about time :)

The card I made before (HB052), I did the pop up of the husband with hair that was just cut out from a black colored paper. But this time around I tried to draw the hair using an ink pen. It was an interesting experiment hehehe....I think it looked ok, much better than just cutting out a shape from a black colored paper right? LOL! I also made the pop up of the husband and wife holding each others hands.....that's different, I've never done that before difficult too. I was suppose to put some baby products somewhere inside the card together with the pop ups but somehow my experiments didn't work out so instead I just added the USANA products in the basket which is something that his wife is taking now for her pregnancy. And the other basket I added some bottled products. Those were suppose to be gifts for his wife. I was only suppose to make one basket, of him holding the basket and handing it out to his wife but since I couldn't figure out how to do so after so many trials, I decided the best thing to do is just pop the baskets on the left and right side of the card. LOL!

I really hope his wife loves it. :)

Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 3, 2010

Important announcement!!

Hello my lovely readers hehehe.......I have an important announcement to make today. do I begin? Well, straight to the point ya....hehe......for the March 2010 Blog Giveaway, only two of the winners have more winner didn't, and even up till today, I've still not received any response from her. I do not know her email address since she didn't leave any at my blog post.....nor is there any found at her blog. So I have no idea how to contact her to get her name and address to post her the prizes. Sad isn't it? :( I want to post all the prizes to all the winners by this coming Tuesday.

So I was thinking, that if until this evening, there is still no response from her, I will be picking out another winner. Yup! Someone else will be getting the prize. I will be announcing a new winner on Monday. :) So till then guys!


Thứ Năm, 11 tháng 3, 2010

Selamat Pengantin Baru!


This was a last minute order from my Mom's friend. Seriously I was thinking of declining the order but since she said I can do whatever I want with the design, I thought to myself, hmmmm.....why not?! Just do it! hihihihihi!

Why I choose soft blue, white and silver colors for this design ?Because it was the same colors of the wedding invitation card my customer received from her friend. So I thought why not use the same combo. It's sweet :) I opted for an emboss white paper for the base of the card. I have not been using this type of paper for quite a it was nice to use it again for this design. It's suitable for this type of occasion.

I was also asked to do a pop up inside. But I was wondering how to do so vertically since I had to also put in the card quite a long text she prepared for me. After much thought, I decided to try out something I've been thinking of doing sometime back. Which is the square pop up, that I usually do for horizontal cards. I kinda like the idea...hehehe.....square pop ups are so easy to do and can paste any shape on it. Thank God my customer loved it so much. I was kinda fact I always worry.....I worry too much sometimes hehehehe.....oh well! :)

Thứ Tư, 10 tháng 3, 2010



I love this card so much and I wish it's still with me but what can I do's not for me's for Cik Summer hehehehe. Gosh, she sure is a LUCKY GIRL!!!

This card is a request from my customer. He was interested in my V018 Valentines Day card....mostly because of it's colors. So he requested that I design a birthday card using the same color combination from that card. Plus, since Cik Summer loves Elmo, so I was asked to add that too. This is the first time for me to do a Sesame Street character for my handmade cards. It was fun! I used a red, orange and white foam to make Elmo. I love using that material as it is a flexible material to shape a form. It is so soft and you can decorate on it any way you like. But if you are using an ink pen, be sure that it is a permanent ink otherwise the ink will smudge all over the card! hehehe!

Other than making Elmo, I also find making the big heart quite a challenge because I had to figure out how to decorate the big heart differently from the other pop up hearts I've done before. And since he insists on just having one big heart to represent his heart, so that's why I did just one big one. He also requested that I write a short sentence on the big heart - My Heart is Yours Forever. After doing that, I realised how empty the heart that's when I thought of decorating it with tons of tiny hearts in it. Gosh, that took me about 3 hours to glue all those teeny tiny hearts!!! But it was worth it! I loved seeing how the different colors of hearts mixed up together like that. I've done medium sized ones mixed in a big heart, but never so tiny like these. So it was really cool to see it when it was all done. :)


Finally! I managed to check all 36 participants who joined in this March 2010 blog giveaway and randomly picked up 3 winners by doing the lucky draw. I personally don't like to use system to do this, so I do it the old school way which is by writing down individually the participants names on paper, place them in the box, give it a good shake and draw the names out one by one from my old gift box after each shake heheheheh......this time around I draw the names myself. My Mom is too busy with her activities to help me out this time...hehehehe....but it's ok...I can handle it. ;)

So, without further yapping hahahha......I am so happy to announce the names of the winners for my March 2010 Blog Giveaway. Check them out below:


Congratulations to all three of you who have just won 3 handmade cards each!!!! You guys are so lucky! hehehehe! I'm sorry there are no consolation prize for the others who did not win. But look on the bright side, there will be so many more opportunities for you guys to win in months to come as I am holding a giveaway every month. Plus, each month after this, more chances for you to win because more winners will be chosen.

A big thank you to all who have participated, I am deeply touched by the response, lovely comments and words of encouragement from participants. You guys are great!!!! Thank you so much. God bless!!


Thứ Ba, 9 tháng 3, 2010

Be patient..... :)

Hello everyone! Today is the day when I will be announcing the 3 lucky winners of the Lin Handmade Greeting Card March 2010 blog giveaway. I have been extremely busy these past week that I have not yet finished viewing all the participants blogs and checking out their entries. (feel so guilty!!! ) hehehehe......So I will be making that announcement later in the evening. I do hope all participants will be patient in waiting for the results.

Thank you all who have participated and supported my blog......I'm so happy to see that so many bloggers have participated this month. So are new participants and some are participating for the second or third time. I really appreciate it a lot! I do hope the amount will increase in months to come. And remember that in months to come more and more cards will be given away to more participants. It will be a great challenge for me to prepare the prizes, but I do love the challenge hehehe!

Sorry again for the late announcement........but don't worry, I shall be announcing it soon.....till then!!


Thứ Hai, 8 tháng 3, 2010

Trophy card


No words can describe how hard it was for me to make this design hehehehe! I know that for some artist, this kind of design is easy for them to do, but for me, when it comes to drawing the human body, I just have a headache! hahahaha! But, with the support from my customer and much research and experiment, I did my very best to make it look real.

Whenever I get a request like this, I would usually ask my customer to email me the photo of their loved one so that I can try to make the pop up look as close as how their loved one look like in real life. Gotta focus on the details too. The theme for this design is a husband who is deserving of a trophy for being such a sexy, hardworking and loving husband. She wanted me to do a pop up of her husband doing the dishes. This is because he has been so helpful in the kitchen. Isn't that so sweet?????!! Gosh, she is so lucky. :)

This is the first time I'm using this dark blue metallic paper as the base of the card. I love this material.....the metallic paper is just so it when it shines. :)

Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 3, 2010

Happy Birthday Maksu!


It's my aunt's birthday yesterday and I made this card for her since her favorite color is purple. I wanted to do something fancy for her since last year I forgot to make her one. So I thought this would be a nice one to give her...hehehe.... This design is the same like HB057 except I made a different pop up for this card. Something simpler.

My aunt was super excited when she received it. I'm so happy I managed to do it on time for her to receive it on her birthday. I was really worried that I would miss it again this time. Luckily I made it!! Yes!!! So happy about that! hehehe!