Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 6, 2010

Vegan Craftastic: Pocket Journal Giveaway!

I really really really really love this gorgeous teal and brown pocket journal from Vegan Craftastic!!!! Isn't it the cutest, most adorable thing you've ever seen???? I love the color so much!!! Such a beautiful combination! I've already started thinking of how I'm going to use it. It will definitely be packed with my thumbnail sketches and doodles of ideas. ;)

This beautiful teal and brown pocket journal is made by this wonderful lady named Laura. 

This is the URL link of her pocket journal giveaway :  CLICK HERE

Check out all of Laura's beautiful pocket journals and handmade cards she posted in her blog and the ones she is selling on Etsy.

I really hope I get to win this beautiful pocket journal. :)  I've never won any giveaway I've joined so far huhuhu.....and how wonderful it would be to win something like this! :) Wish me luck guys!!

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