Thứ Sáu, 11 tháng 3, 2011

Crochet flowers and leaves

Hehe! Finally I get to blog about my new experiment with crochet flowers and leaves. :) I've been practicing really hard with this craft for quite some time now. I still have not got it quite right though. But at least I'm better at it now then I was before. All thanks to my most patient crochet teacher hehe! :)

I used to crochet the flowers using the wool yarn....which was a bit thicker than the one I'm using now. I didn't like it that much so I changed the type of yarn for me to use for my handmade cards. I love this one much better. :)

I'm still new at this craft although I used to play a lot with crochet since small but I never really studied it closely, I just played with it so to rules, no specific measurements at all....I just crochet in my own way which was not the right way .......just wanted to have fun with it. But now, I want to do it right. :)
This card I made was just something simple that I came up with to see how my crochet flowers and leaves would look on a card. Nothing fancy in design at's as simple as can be. :)

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