Chủ Nhật, 5 tháng 2, 2012

February 2012 Blog Giveaway

It's time for another giveaway! Yes, now it's for the month of February. I'm still going to giveaway to two lucky winners, 1 card each.

For February, I have 2 new cute note cards to be given away. I can't wait to see who are the 2 lucky winners who will be receiving these cards at the end of this month! ;)

OK! Now, let's check out how you can win these cards :).
1. Anyone can join this giveaway. Bloggers, facebookers, twitters.....practically anyone from all over the world. :)
2. Just make a post about this giveaway at your blog or at your facebook or at your twitter. If you don't have a blog or facebook or twitter account, then just write your details at the comment box.
3. Write down this details at the comment box : 
    - Your full name
    - Your email address
    - The link to your post (if any)
    - Follow my blog or Like my fan page

The deadline for this giveaway is on 28th of February 2012. Winners of this giveaway will be picked randomly. I will be making an announcement on 29th of February 2012 to declare the winners. 

Thank you for participating in this giveaway and all the best everyone!! ;) Do share this post with your friends!!!

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