Thứ Hai, 3 tháng 12, 2012

December 2012 Blog Giveaway

Good day everyone!! ^.^

It is now time for giveaway number 12! The last giveaway for this year. Hopefully there will be more giveaway for next year ya! Sorry it's a few days a bit late.....

This time around I got someone to sponsor a gift for my giveaway. And the gift is an can use it to emboss paper and get some cute embossed shapes on paper. Hope you like it! :)

This time around since it's the last giveaway for this year, I'm bending the rules a bit. This time anyone can enter....whether you have a blog or not, doesn't matter. Just make sure you promote about this giveaway wherever you can, be it at your blog or facebook or twitter....doesn't matter as long as you tell everyone about it. :) Do follow my blog if you have a blog and do Like my Fan page if you have a Facebook.

Please do the following below :

1. Write your name and the url link of where you promoted my giveaway at Mr. Linky's widget below.

This little giveaway runs from today till 11.59pm on 31st of December 2012. I shall announce the name of the lucky winner during the first week of January 2013. Thank you so much for participating!!! ;) 



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