Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 1, 2013

Winner of December 2012 Blog Giveaway

Sorry for the long wait everyone! I've been a little busy with work so didn't have time earlier to announce the result of last year's December 2012 giveaway. The result is finally out today!!! Yay!!

Congratulations to Ms. Nur Fa'izah Raziqin bt Ahmad Zainal Abidin for winning the giveaway!! Do email me your full details so that I can post the prize to you as soon as I can. :)

Good news for everyone....I will still continue doing giveaways for 2013....hopefully I can do it every  month just like last year. Will be giving away something this do check out my next post that's coming soon this week in shaa Allah :)

Hope everyone will have an exciting and wonderful new year!!!! 

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