Chủ Nhật, 24 tháng 2, 2013

Pop up envelopes card


Pretty excited about this card.....big smiles.....all because I did something new for myself this year...yeah...I wanna do a lot of new things this year....for example this is the first time for me to use distress ink hehe! Been wanting to try out this technique for a long time now but never got the "feel" to do so. I just bought the stuff and kept it inside the box and wait for the feeling to play with it to come by me someday. And that feeling came today.... :D I had fun blending the distress ink on the paper using a makeup sponge was really fun! I didn't buy a blending tool because I thought that perhaps the makeup sponge was good enough for now. 

I also used a wrapping paper for the front design of the card, it's sponsored by Wholeport which I love so much. I think it suits the card really well. Hopefully I can make more ready stock cards of this design :).

The pop up envelopes are the best part of this card for me personally.....because this is also the first time for me to make the paper pop up in the centre like that, from the top till bottom with no cuts at all in between.  I made the envelopes sometime ago using the scoring was nice to make them....kinda cute cause they are so small in size. When I made them, I didn't have any idea yet what to do with them. I just made them because at the time I just bought a brown paper stock that looked perfect for making envelopes.

You can view how the card pops up at the video check it out :)

Thứ Năm, 21 tháng 2, 2013

Cherry blossom tri shutter card


I was playing around with one of the the free origami paper I received from Wholeport the other day and I thought of cutting them up this way using the die cut machine and pasting them all over the tri shutter card. I've never done something like this before and I find it quite amusing :D. 

I wanted the tri shutter card to look like as if the card itself was originally with patterns even though it was's just a plain white cardstock. But now it is heavily embellished with pattern paper all over it. It looks a bit messy with the pattern paper all over it, which is not usually my style but I still gave it a try to see how it would look like in the end.

The yellowish scallop circles are for writing on personal wishes. I purposely made them in different sizes the personal wishes can be written in different sections of the card. :)

The pop up hearts I pasted at two different sections in the card is something I am excited about. I've never done it this way before.....usually I only make the heart pop in one section. It's new for me and I'm getting a few more ideas for new tri shutter cards to be done in a similar way.

Another thing I love about this design is the tiny cherry blossoms! I love embossing them this way and arranging them this way. It's simple and yet so cute because of their small size! hehe! I love making them! They suit the pattern paper a lot ;) You can view how the tri shutter card opens up and pops the hearts inside it at the video I prepared check it out :).

Chủ Nhật, 17 tháng 2, 2013

Lovely loops flower tutorial

Back in 2011 I created this lovely loops flower just by coincidence.....after making a lot of those tiny loops flowers which I learned from Anastasia Wahalatantiri, I thought of creating a new flower using that technique....and that's how it was created, which was by just  folding the tiny loops the other way around. It was not easy to do and quite tricky.....sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but after much practice, it gets easier.

A lot of my blog readers have requested me to make this tutorial.....but only now I have some time to do so. Hope you all like the tutorial and try making the lovely loops flower ....all the best! ;)

Thứ Bảy, 16 tháng 2, 2013

Quilling flower stalk tutorial

Finally I manage to fulfill another request from my blog readers and quilling beginners to make a video tutorial on quilling flower stalk. Making a quilling flower stalk is one of the things that most quilling beginners have problems with when quilling. Many have expressed their disappointments to me when their quilling flower stalk didn't turn out they way they expect it.

So since most of the quilling beginners are not from my neighbourhood, and can't attend my quilling beginners class, it's pretty difficult for me to help them out with their problem. I  myself have not been doing any quilling classes lately either because of my health issues. So I figured, the best way for me to teach now is via online and by making video tutorials. 

I usually use quilling paper that is 120gsm in thickness for making quilling flower stalks as they are thicker, and won't get damaged easily when pressured. But I also sometimes use quilling paper that are 160gsm in thickness. It all depends on what I'm making.

Hopefully this video tutorial will help those who have problems with making quilling flower stalks :).

Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 2, 2013

Heart to Heart


I've been wanting to do this design ever since I bought those heart shape craft punch some time came in 3 different sizes....same shape but different size. I don't know why but this kind of layout is something that I just love doing. I've done something similar to this before way back in 2010 or earlier than that I can't remember, like my V021 card where I embellish the whole card with heart shape patterns....filling them up until there is no room or other embellishments.

Back then, I didn't have any heart shape craft punch so I basically had to cut the heart shape patterns all by hand using just a pair of scissors. It was very very time consuming but I enjoyed it because I was able to make any heart shape size pattern I liked. It was not practical for mass production but very satisfying as a crafter :).

I really like the pop up hearts I made inside this card. This is the first time for me to make this kind of pop up where the top part of the pop up and the bottom part is the same and it comes together in the center when I open the card. I love looking at how it moves to the center. Fun! You can view the pop up hearts in motion at the video I prepared below. Do check it out! ^.^

Free gifts!

You must be wondering what's the photo above all about. Actually those are pattern papers that I've received yesterday from a company in China called Wholeport. I got them for free! So excited about it. :). They are quite large in size....about the size of a wrapping paper. These are just a few free gifts that I got from them this month......they'll be sending more in months to come for me to use and make something from them. You can get them too if you join their sponsorship program like I did. It would be interesting to get a chance to try out free samples of the products that they are selling at their website. 

There are so many interesting craft products to try out from their website, I find it hard to choose which one that I wanted to try the end I decided to try their pattern paper first since I am a card maker and pattern paper is something that I would definitely use a lot in card making.

I hope to make some trishutter cards using these fancy pattern papers.......not sure of the design yet though...still thinking about it. Perhaps I can use them to make cards for my blog giveaways too, that would be a good idea hehe. Or I can just giveaway some of the paper to one of the lucky about that?? Would you like that? At least you can try the products yourself and see if you like it too. All I can think about now is, I can't wait to play with them! ;)

Thứ Năm, 7 tháng 2, 2013

February 2013 Blog Giveaway

Peace be upon everyone! :)

Last year, I gave away some quilling supplies and I thought for this year, I should do the same, at least once for my blog giveaway......but this's just a little starter pack for quilling beginners... :) hope you all like it ;).

All you have to do to stand a chance to win this prize is:
Promote this giveaway post by copying and pasting the url link and photo of this giveaway post to your Blog or Facebook. You can either blog about this giveaway by pasting the photo of the giveaway and the link or just paste the giveaway photo and link at the sidebar of your Blog or paste the link and photo at your Facebook. And then copy and paste the link of where you promoted my giveaway to the Mr Linky section below. Don't forget to write your name there as well. 

Do Follow my blog and LIKE my Facebook Fan Page too! All the best!!! :)

This giveaway starts today till 11.59pm on 28th of February 2013. The name of the winner will be announced during the first week of March 2013. Thank you for participating, I truly appreciate the support ;).



Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 2, 2013

Husking flower tutorial using combing technique

I've been postponing on making this video for a very long time now. So many of my blog readers have been requesting me to make this video for them since last year but I just didn't have the right time to do it. So finally I did it today! Yay! This is the basic tutorial on how to make the husking flower using a combination of the combing technique and some looping technique too. 

I have already made a similar video tutorial on the husking technique before but it was just a short and brief demo that I added in one of my video tutorial regarding the combing technique. I did it so fast that most of my blog readers insisted that I make a specific video tutorial on it so that they would get a better view and understanding on how it's done from the beginning till the end.

I tried my best to make it as clear as possible and as slow as possible so that you would be able to watch how I do it step by step. I hope to make another video tutorial on husking flowers as well that a lot of my blog readers have been requesting which is about the two colour husking flower. Hopefully I'll have time to do that soon. :)

Have fun watching the tutorial! Do give it a try! Have fun! ;)

Thứ Hai, 4 tháng 2, 2013

How to cut small heart shapes

I have a new simple craft tutorial for everyone today! :)

Why did  I do it?? Well, actually a lot of my blog readers have requested me to do a video tutorial on how I cut my foam hearts or paper hearts that I sometimes use to embellish my handmade cards. I've been wanting to make this video for a long time now but only now I have the chance to do so. 

It's a very simple tutorial.....nothing fancy, just a simple basic way to cut a heart shape. I hope my readers can understand my explanation in the video (yes, this time I talked!!! ) ahahahah! Because in my previous video tutorials, I just did a demo and not say a single word! Some people actually complained about it so I might need to redo some of the videos in future and talk some more hehehe!

Anyways, I hope you will check out my new craft video tutorial and try cutting your own small heart shapes and use them to embellish your cards, photo frames, scrapbooks and more! Have fun making hearts!! :)

Thứ Bảy, 2 tháng 2, 2013

Rich colour combination


This design is a remake of a trishutter card I made in 2011. That 2011 trishutter card looks similar to this new design and it was the one and only design I made because the pattern paper that I used for that design was so limited that I was only able to make one card with those pattern paper. You can view that card HERE

So when I suddenly got a request to do that same design again, I knew that I had to remake it using new pattern papers and luckily I had some pattern papers that had a similar colour to the original design. And lucky also for me that my customer didn't mind me using a new pattern paper for the card. So I had complete freedom to create a new anniversary card design for my customer. 

Although this design seems new now, I still manage to maintain some of the original design in this new one.....for example like those foam hearts at the top and bottom of the card.....and also the tiny flower sequins.....I still maintain the same colour combination ....the colours are red, dark red, mustard yellow and dark pink. 

The differences that are pretty obvious are the pop up heart.....which I hand carved some designs on it....I loved doing that... :). The original design just had a simple curved line that I hand carved but this time around I carved out something that is a lot more complicated for me to do. I enjoyed doing it though.

Another new thing for me is making those embossed flowers for the front of the card. Those flowers and leaves were die cut and then embossed using embossing tools. I gotta say I really enjoyed making them for the first time. I'll consider embossing more flowers from now onwards instead of just cutting and pasting them straight on the card like that.....embossing them, gives the flowers and leaves a much better them some dimension. :)

I die cut a couple of squarish shaped paper and pasted them inside the card for my customer to use as a space to write on personal wishes since he didn't asked me to print any wordings for him. Hope that there are enough space for him to write on. I had another idea for writing spaces on trishutter card, but will use that idea for my next design. :) Have a look at how the trishutter card opens up at the video below :).