Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 8, 2014

Green theme quilled wedding signage


Alhamdulillah....thank you Allah for blessing me for the strength and energy to finish this project. I'm so thankful too to get a customer who is so patient and understanding. For her kind patience, I am able to finish this order in time before her wedding day which is coming soon this week.

I admit I am pretty late at completing this order, but still I'm glad I did it before the due date. You have no idea how I had to struggle to finish it. I haven't been quilling for more than 2 months and it was kinda awkward to start again. Felt a bit rusty hahaha.....but after a little practice I was ready again to start the project. 

This design for this wedding signage was actually inspired by one of my swing cards that I did this year. You can view it at the link HERE. My customer just loved the design so much and wanted me to use the same design for her wedding signage. 

The original design on the swing card, you can see that the leaves were made from die-cut patterns. So since she loves quilling so much, she wanted me to do the leaves using the quilling technique. I've never done something like that it was fun to be able to try that. And I love the outcome :).

All in all, I'm really glad I did this project no matter how I felt. Not sure when I will be quilling again though....because I'll be busy after this with sewing beads project! hehehe!'s a little wedding project that I was entrusted to do for someone. Will do an update on it probably on my FB page.....will see how it goes. ;)

Here is a photo of my customer and her husband on their wedding day with the wedding signage I was taken by Zulhilmi on the link to see their other beautiful wedding photos ;)

Thứ Tư, 6 tháng 8, 2014

Winner of 2014 Blog Giveaway!!!

Hello everyone! I'm so so so so sorry for the late announcement! I've been so busy....I was busy during Ramadhan and also still in holiday mood....very hard to get back on track with work after a long break. Gosh, it's also been a long time since I last blogged about anything here. Hope everybody is doing good!! ;)

Things have been a little crazy over here at my place....very hard to explain and I guess sometimes, things are better left unsaid. But there is one thing I must say now, and that is to tell everyone who the lucky winner is!!! Jeng! Jeng! Jeng!! The lucky person is........tadaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Lucky number 98....Miss Darling Ninie!!!!

Congratulations Miss Darling Ninie!! You are the winner!!! Hope to hear from you soon so that I can post the blog giveaway goodies to you as soon as possible. Do contact me at my email address ( 

I will be holding another giveaway maybe before year end with a much more bigger and better goodies to giveaway. Till then! Take care everyone! And thank you so much for joining my humble giveaway. Do join again next time ok? ;) Tata!!