Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 7, 2011

For a best friend ;)


I'm so happy.....I finally finished designing this tri shutter card! My customer wanted me to design a tri shutter card for her best friend in a combination of red, black, pink and white. It's her best friend's birthday :). So I decided to focus more on the pink....using pink as the main color for the card as the birthday girl is so sweet and somehow I think that pink suits her best :).

As always when it comes to making tri shutter cards, I'm always having a hard time figuring out how to decorate it. As you can see, there's so many spaces to decorate. The more I study about tri shutters, the more I think I'm thinking too much about the design hehehe. Because I do see other designers decorating them in a simple yet beautiful layout. So I'm trying my best to be simple here but, oh well, I'll leave it to you to judge if it's simple or not hehe.

I made the patterned paper myself. Decorating a blank paper with polka dots and also stamping it with a floral rubber stamp design. I had fun stamping and decorating it with seed beads and tiny red flower sequins....somehow it makes me feel like a textile designer all of a sudden haha!

I really hope the birthday girl loves her birthday card! ;)

p.s. I had to cover up the faces of the people in the photo for privacy purposes. It's a request from my dear customer. ;)

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