Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 4, 2012

Handmade paper boxes

What's my latest hobby?? Yes, you've guessed it! It's making handmade boxes! ;) I love making them using the Martha Stewart's scoring board. :)

Those handmade boxes that I made in the photos above are just for my own personal use. I was thinking that from now on wards, if I have something to give to my loved ones as gifts, I no longer need to wrap the gifts, if it's a small one. I can just make a handmade box to fit it in and decorate it with quilling designs or ribbons or foam shapes or anything that I can imagine on it! hehe! Besides, it's much more fun this way, it's a 2 in 1 wrapping concept. You get to pack the gift in a box and you also get to decorate it at the same time.  No need for wrapping paper. Cool! ;)

I've also made customized paper boxes for my quilling starter packs. It's now a lot easier for me to pack the quilling kit and mail them to my customers. Have a look at the photo below of the boxes I made for my starter packs! I can easily fit in a slotted quilling tool, a mini circle template and 5 packs of the multicolour paper inside each box.

I can make each box in just a few minutes and it's done. It's so easy making them using the Martha Stewart's scoring board. I also love the fact that the scoring board does not have a border on both sides. The border is only on one side of the board. So this means that if I ever wanna use a large piece of paper to score, it wouldn't be a problem since it doesn't have a border on the right side of the board that would be a bother when using a larger piece of paper.

I can easily customize the size of the boxes that I wish to make with the scoring board. I can make them any size I like. Big or small or medium size....short of all depends on the size of paper I have available. So far, I'm only using the A4 size paper to make all the boxes. And it has to be thick otherwise it won't be suitable for making boxes. At least 220gsm type of paper.

I just love it coz now I no longer have problems packing my products for delivery as I can make my own boxes, customize the size to fit the items accordingly. The scoring board is the best tool for me to have right now and how I wish I had bought it sooner. It would surely have solved a lot of my packaging problems.  :)

Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 4, 2012

Shredding paper demo

So happy to meet one of my quilling students today, Remy Sunbae. Finally get to give him his mini paper shredder. He is one of the people who ordered the mini paper shredder from me. Since he is currently on a holiday, he is able to meet me and pick up the shredder from me himself. Otherwise he would be extremely busy with year student, you see :). 

So many have been asking me to get them this mini paper shredder for a long long time now. I've been searching high and low to get this product for them. Finally I managed to find one that is willing to sell them to me at a small quantity. So many other suppliers are not willing to do so and it's a burden for people like me to buy products such as this in large quantities. So I was really grateful to have found one that suits my needs.

Even though I don't have a lot of stock to sell for everyone but I'm happy that I managed to at least make some people happy with the limited stock that I had. I really hope to be able to help those who are in need of this product as I know how important it is to have it as a quiller. Especially for us quillers who can't afford to buy ready stock quilling paper that are so expensive. This mini paper shredder is a life saver indeed.

Me and Remy asked his brother Nuqman to take a video of me and Remy, while I do a simple demo on how to use the mini paper shredder. I was extremely nervous, I'll bet you can tell just by looking at my facial expression hehe. This is obviously my first time appearing fully on video, as before you could only see my hands in the video tutorials ahahahaha......I was speaking in Malay by the way.....sorry if some readers don't understand what I was saying. I was merely saying that I am showing how to shred the paper using the mini paper shredder. That's all that I said really.....nothing much.....coz I was too nervous to say anything else ahahahaha. I was much too shy for the camera LOL! :D. Perhaps when I have the time someday I can do a proper video on how to use the shredder. Been so busy lately, just don't have the time to do any videos huhuhuhu.....hope to do more in future! ;)

Thứ Năm, 12 tháng 4, 2012

Red and pink on black


Look familiar? Ahahaha.....yes, it's the same design like the quilled flower frame I made before except that this one has a black background and it stands horizontally. I made this especially for my customer exactly like she requested it. The size of the frame is half the size of an A4 paper and can fit a 4R photo in it. 

Actually both of us weren't too sure about the background colour. We were kinda afraid if the black background wouldn't look as nice as the white one if the flowers and leaves were the same colour. But luckily it turned out alright and I actually changed only one colour from the original design which is the dark green colour. I changed it to teal instead. It's a little lighter shade of green compared to the dark's kinda like blueish green. 

I've been pretty busy with work lately and because of that it took me quite some time to finish making this frame. I guess I just don't have much time anymore these days to create. Been spending too much of my time on selling products for quilling instead. But at least I'm making others happy by giving them a chance to create their own artwork instead of just admiring mine hehehe. Now they can create their own beautiful designs and make their loved ones happy. Love making people it makes me happy too ;)

Thứ Năm, 5 tháng 4, 2012

Sazalina's first blog giveaway!

I'm entering another blog giveaway and this time it's a giveaway from Miss Sazalina Zakaria, the owner of ShareYourLoveWithCards blog. Look at what she is giving away!!! It's so beautiful!! It's a wedding guest book! Love it! 

Even though I don't have any plans on getting married this year, but I'm still entering it because this book can be converted as a scrapbook as well. So it doesn't necessarily have to be a wedding guest book. Miss Sazalina will customize the book for the winner. Cool! ;)

I hope to be the lucky winner of course. Although I rarely get the chance to win anything every time I enter giveaways but I don't care hehehehe.....I'm still entering it! ;)

Do check out the link below if you would like to win this too! :)

Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 4, 2012

April 2012 Blog Giveaway

Hello everyone!

I can't believe it. It's now time for giveaway no.4!! So fast! It's already April and it's that time of the month again when I will give away one special gift for one special person. And as I was searching for ideas for this month's giveaway, I thought to myself.......why not give this quilled photo frame :). Hope you all like it. Unfortunately I can only give away one quilled photo frame for one lucky winner :). I wish I could give it to everyone but that's impossible for me to do.

It's pretty easy to enter this giveaway. It's the same conditions like last month's giveaway. Everyone is eligible to enter it. Please read the instructions carefully:

1. "LIKE" my Facebook Fan Page at the link HERE or "Follow" my blog at the followers box at the side bar of my blog.
2. You can either: 
Blog about this giveaway at your blog with a link back to this post OR you can put the link of this giveaway at your Facebook profile.
3. Come back to this post and write your name and your URL link at Mr. Linky's widget below.
4. You may write a comment at this post if you like :). Appreciate it very much ;).

This giveaway runs from today till 11.59pm on 30th of April 2012. I shall announce the name of the lucky winner during the first week of May.

All the best to all who are participating in this giveaway. Good luck!! :)


And the winner is....

And the winner is...............jeng jeng jeng! hehehehe! It's lucky number 126! ;) Congratulations to Miss Kylelina for winning the complete quilling set. :) I will contact you soon! ;) many people participated in Lin Handmade Greetings Card March 2012 Blog Giveaway. Altogether there were 228 entries at Mr Linky.....but there were 3 participants who entered their names twice, so the correct number of participants are only 225 and not 228. Perhaps since it's their first time using Mr Linky widget, they were uncertain of how to use it therefore making the mistake of entering their names twice. But it's ok, all I needed to do was just acknowledge their first entry and not their second one. :) No problem :).

Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to enter my blog giveaway and helped promote it at your blogs and Facebook. I really appreciate it very much. To the ones who have not won anything from my blog before, do not give up hope. You have 9 more chances to win something from me this year :).

I have a special gift prepared for April 2012 Blog Giveaway. It's very special to all my readers and fans ;). Do check out the next giveaway that's coming soon!! Watch out for the updates this week. You won't regret entering it hehe! :)