Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2012

Winner of October 2012 Blog Giveaway

Finally it's done! I got the name of the winner for my October blog giveaway. Yay!! She followed the rules correctly and was lucky enough to be chosen by Random.Org as the winner. Thank God for Random.Org...otherwise, things would be even more difficult for me to pick a winner each month hehehe.

The lucky person who will receive all the rubberstamps is Sathya!!!! Yayyy!! Congrats to you! Hope you will email me your details so that I can post the prize to you as soon as possible.

I'm still thinking of what to give away for idea yet...huuhuuuu.......I hope I can come up with an idea soon on what to give my readers.....something special of course ;)

I'm sorry for not being able to update my blog as often as I would like to lately.....this is all due to my ill health. Been struggling to get better and I really hope things will get better for me soon. Do pray for my good health ya so that I can keep on creating! Love you all for your continuous support and love and gives me the strength to carry on with crafting! ;) XXX

Thứ Sáu, 5 tháng 10, 2012

October 2012 Blog Giveaway

Hello everybody! ^.^

It is now time for giveaway number 10! Oh my goodness.....we are getting closer and closer to the end of the year huhu....
As you can see, this time around I'm giving away another set of self cling rubber stamps.....huhu...I still don't have the time to prepare much since my schedule these days are so crazy....been crazy busy the past few months. Hope you like my humble giveaway....the stamps will come together with the handmade box I can make so many kinds of projects with it! All up to your imagination ;).
I really hope you would read carefully the rules for this giveaway and follow them so that you won't get left out from winning this giveaway. The rules are very easy to follow and are listed below:

Everyone with a BLOG is eligible to enter it. I don't accept entries with links from Facebook. Please read the instructions carefully:

1. "LIKE" my Facebook Fan Page . Do click on the Like button which you can find at the top right corner of my blog.

2.  "FOLLOW" my blog.

3. Copy the photo of this giveaway and add it at the sidebar of your blog with a link that leads back to this giveaway post.

4. Write your name and your blog url link at Mr. Linky's widget below.

5. You can only enter once...please do not enter more than once using different blogs links. I only allow 1 participant per entry. Those who fail to comply to the rules will be deleted from the list.

This little giveaway runs from today till 11.59pm on 31th of October 2012. I shall announce the name of the lucky winner during the first week of November 2012. Thank you so much for participating!!! ;) 


Thứ Năm, 4 tháng 10, 2012

Hanging photo frames


I got a request to make two 6R size photo frames....first time for me to make photo frames this big....because usually it's just the small type which is the 4R photo this request was quite a challenge for me to do.....especially since my customer wants photo frames that she can hang on the wall.

She was very interested in my earlier designs....which is the QF001 and the QF002 photo frames.....she requested that one of the design for the frames must be made in purple and pink colour combination....a first for me as well....coz I don't think I've ever done that combination for any of my quilled photo frames before. 


The 6R photo frames are about double the size of the 4R photo frames.....therefore, more quilled flowers had to be made to fill up the sides of the frames. Each frame has a plastic cover that will protect the photo...but I find that the bigger the frame the more tricky it gets in inserting the photo inside the frame.... I still prefer making smaller photo frames. Much easier to handle.

But I do like the ribbon part that is used to hang the frame.....I added some medium sized plastic beads to make sure the ribbons doesn't will stay in place it's also part of the decoration. Still got more frames to make....hopefully I'll improve more in design and function. :)

Sahabat selama-lamanya


Another request from my customer who was interested in my HB084 birthday card.....but in this case she wanted two birds instead of just one resting on the branches. The two birds symbolizes herself and her best buddy....that's why the title of this post is "Sahabat selama-lamanya" (Friends forever). She also requested to reduce the amount of branches on the card.....the HB084 card had too many on it....over crowded I she just wanted a simple one....and that's why I had to recreate the layout for this one.

The pop up cake inside the card is 99.9% the same design except for the fire on the candles, I changed it from yellow ochre to orange....I think orange is a better choice of colour hehe. The quilled birds has a small sequin flower on their heads....which was not added in my earlier design and the bird in the earlier design was a bit on the plum side ahahaha....whereas in this design, they are a lot slimmer. Actually in most of my recent card designs that has quilled birds on it, the birds are made in slimmer versions....I don't know why but I just love the slimmer versions better than the earlier designs I've made before. 

It was fun making the birds again....been awhile since I last made them. I still got more of the same design to make for other customers. So I guess, the fun continues! ;)


Thứ Hai, 1 tháng 10, 2012

Winner of September 2012 Blog Giveaway

The September 2012 Blog Giveaway has finally come to an end last Sunday. I was a bit busy so I'm a bit late in announcing the name of the winner. So today finally after spending some time checking out the list of participants, has picked a winner. And the winner for the September 2012 Blog Giveaway IS ---------------> LUCKY NUMBER 22! Miss Ruzanna Rahman

Congratulations Miss Ruzanna Rahman  for winning the rubber stamps. Hope you can email me your full details so that I can post the rubber stamps to you soon.

Thank you all who have participated in my giveaway.  66 participants altogether. Actually there were more people who participated in this giveaway but quite a few did not follow the instructions given therefore had to be deleted from the list. Really sorry about that. There are still people who do not seem to understand the rules. The giveaway is strictly for bloggers entries with links from Facebook are not allowed. Thank you for all your support in entering my giveaway. Appreciate it very much 

I will be holding another giveaway for October, but will probably blog about it later this week....due to my busy schedule.....hope to get it done check it out and enter ya! Thanks again everyone!! <3