Thứ Tư, 31 tháng 10, 2012

Winner of October 2012 Blog Giveaway

Finally it's done! I got the name of the winner for my October blog giveaway. Yay!! She followed the rules correctly and was lucky enough to be chosen by Random.Org as the winner. Thank God for Random.Org...otherwise, things would be even more difficult for me to pick a winner each month hehehe.

The lucky person who will receive all the rubberstamps is Sathya!!!! Yayyy!! Congrats to you! Hope you will email me your details so that I can post the prize to you as soon as possible.

I'm still thinking of what to give away for idea yet...huuhuuuu.......I hope I can come up with an idea soon on what to give my readers.....something special of course ;)

I'm sorry for not being able to update my blog as often as I would like to lately.....this is all due to my ill health. Been struggling to get better and I really hope things will get better for me soon. Do pray for my good health ya so that I can keep on creating! Love you all for your continuous support and love and gives me the strength to carry on with crafting! ;) XXX

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