Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 10, 2013

My first Japanese hand-bound book

Tadaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!! My first ever handmade book! I have always wanted to make one except that I didn't know how to do it. But after doing some research about it online, I found some tutorials that was easy for me to follow and understand. I gotta say thanks to all those teachers I found on Youtube and Pinterest that shared their tutorials on making handmade books. Without them, I wouldn't have been able to make this book on my own. 

There are so many different types of handmade books for me to try out but since I'm a beginner, I wanted to try out something simple. Since I didn't have the proper tools and materials to make a handmade book, I decided to try making the Japanese hand-bound book because it's a lot easier than the rest and I could use my ribbons to bind the papers together. I have tons of ribbons available so this type of book is the best for me to try out for now. I didn't even have a proper board to use to make the cover for the book. I had only a mounting board available so I just used that and wrapped it with a wrapping paper I got from Wholeport. I distress the cover with a sweet coloured distress ink at all four corners and decorated it with some quilled shapes of flowers and leaves. Very simple. 

I was just too excited to get it done, I didn't bother to make it too fancy. I just wanted to get it done! LOL! It's a great feeling once you know how to do it and seeing it done for the first time. It's an indescribable feeling. I'm so happy I managed to do this before the year ends. It's one of the things I wanted to do this year and I did it! Yay!!!

Not sure if I will have the time to make another one, because I have a very busy schedule till end of this year.....but I gotta say that it is very interesting and fun to make a handmade book and I never knew that it would be something that we can all do ourselves at home. It's really nice to have a pretty handmade book for us to give as gifts to loved ones or for us to use ourselves. For those who have never tried it before, do give it a try! It's so worth it!!! ;)

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