Thứ Sáu, 26 tháng 11, 2010


* I got this clear stamp (Christmas wordings)  free when I bought a craft magazine.


I remember years ago I made a similar Christmas design such as this. But no quilling or rubber stamping designs on it. It was really really simple. It's really funny thinking back  now how I did it because I remember not having any glitter glue to decorate the card with, so I had to apply clear glue on the card and sprinkled silver glitters on it. It was a disaster! hahaha! The glitters would drop everywhere. It was a mess. You can check that Christmas card HERE and see for yourself how I did it and compare the difference hehehehe! :D

I enjoyed making this simple Christmas card....especially the quilling part... :). It was easy to think of doing the snowman because the technique is similar to the teddy bear. I just had to change the color that's all. From brown to white :). Added the red ribbon around it's neck and added the black foam hat at the top of it's head and walla! It's done!

I love the "snowflakes" I made using white foam hehehehe! It's so tiny.....I cut it so small to resemble snowflakes falling on the ground. I am making this design for my friends who are celebrating Christmas. Last year, I didn't send any to anyone.....didn't have the time. Hopefully I could send some to my closest friends this year. :)

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