Thứ Tư, 17 tháng 11, 2010

Back in business

What have I've been busy doing lately? My answer would be quilled teddy bears!!! Yup! I'm enjoying myself lately making those cute big belly quilled teddy bears for the blog giveaway and also some  of them I'm making for sale.

I think the most tricky part would be the part where I have to make the teddy bear's big belly. If I'm not careful when quilling it, the whole quilled belly would coil out! Then I would have to quill it all over again. That's the tricky part when quilling long strips of paper. It's difficult to keep them together in one big coil. :P

Time....I need more time.......time to make more quilled teddy bears hehehehe......because I love how they look so much! The best part about it is that it's a flexible subject matter that can be used for a lot of occasions, be it love them, baby cards theme, any occasions theme, birthday cards theme and many more. Hey, it can be used as well for weddings :). In other words, you can basically use it for just about anything you want. :)

Yes, I am now back in business. But I am moving very slowly back in business because I am really busy catching up to finish all my pending orders and because of the recent flood ,I've been busy cleaning the house at the same time. I really hope things will go back to normal again soon. 

I still am not taking any custom made orders till further notice. So if you wish to buy cards from me, you can check out my facebook fan page at the link HERE or my BUY NOW tab in this blog at the link HERE and have a look at the cards that are  for sale there. Those cards are available for order. Some I have to take time to make since they are  currently out of stock. 

Thank you to all who visited my blog and commented some really nice words of motivation and encouragement for me to move on. I really appreciate it! I need all the luck and all the support I can get! Thanks again!!!! :) 

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