Thứ Năm, 18 tháng 3, 2010

A another version of V011....


This is another version of V011 (Half A4 size). I used a much more quality paper for the base of the card. It's a metallic dark purple paper. You can't see it that much the metallic part because it's covered will loads of hearts on it :). But if you look at the close up photo you can see how it shines when it hits the light.

As you can see, I still use about the same type of colors except I just played around with it. Instead of using a lighter shade of purple as the base of the card, I used a darker shade instead. The hearts on the card still have the original red, pink and white colors, except there is no dark red. So I just played around with the combination of colors and see what looks good.

I still included the heart shape foam on the card except that I cut it into a much smaller size and pasted them on the paper hearts. I first started doing that style in my HB052 card. I like doing that style. But cutting the foam into such a small size is kinda hard to do. I had to be careful because one small mistake will ruin it altogether.

I also did the pop up differently this time. Instead of a big pink heart, I did a big red heart with small and tiny hearts on it. To be honest, this kind of pop up never really looks exactly the same every time I do it. Because I don't have a specific template for the small hearts. Every one of it is done spontaneously. Arranged spontaneously too. No specific arrangement. I just did what I felt was right. :)

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