Chủ Nhật, 14 tháng 3, 2010

A pop up man in a suit with a cake! :)


:) One more figure pop up! Yes, and this time I was requested to do a birthday card with a guy wearing an executive suit and a brief case. I wanted to do something like the lady in the executive suit that I did before but I made his body a bit too big to be pasted at the front of the card. So I decided to pop him up inside with a small cake.

What I did differently this time? Well, this time around I pop up a square on the left and right of the card. On the left I pasted the guy and on right I pasted the cake. I like the cake because I used glittered organza to decorate it other than the ribbon. Another thing I love about the pop up is the guy's hair hehehe.....I drew it with an ink pen. I really enjoyed doing that once I got the hang of it. I still have a couple more figure pop ups to make this week. Pretty tough ones too. I hope I will be able to make good ones this time. So worried about it. Wish me luck!! :)

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