Thứ Sáu, 12 tháng 3, 2010

Important announcement!!

Hello my lovely readers hehehe.......I have an important announcement to make today. do I begin? Well, straight to the point ya....hehe......for the March 2010 Blog Giveaway, only two of the winners have more winner didn't, and even up till today, I've still not received any response from her. I do not know her email address since she didn't leave any at my blog post.....nor is there any found at her blog. So I have no idea how to contact her to get her name and address to post her the prizes. Sad isn't it? :( I want to post all the prizes to all the winners by this coming Tuesday.

So I was thinking, that if until this evening, there is still no response from her, I will be picking out another winner. Yup! Someone else will be getting the prize. I will be announcing a new winner on Monday. :) So till then guys!


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