Thứ Sáu, 9 tháng 4, 2010

Bridal gown



I haven't been making wedding bridal gown cards for quite some time now. I have been getting quite a number of requests from customers who are interested in this design for their wedding. But at the moment I am just not able to do them because I don't have enough time to do bulk orders for one particular customer. So I just prefer to do wedding cards that are meant to be given to brides and congratulate them on their wedding. :)

The material I used to make the bridal gown is doily paper. There are a lot of types of doily paper in the market. I found this new pattern which I quite like and have made a wedding gown out of it recently for one of my wedding card designs. So now I'm using the same one to make a bridal gown for this small wedding card. As you can see, the shape of the gown is similar to my old wedding card designs, the only difference is the pattern of the doily paper. Another difference is that I layered the wedding gown with a white organza to get that shiny effect. Usually I would layer it with metallic silver or gold paper. I wrote the wordings at the side of the wedding gown "happily ever after" as a wish for the lucky bride :). It's handwritten using a gold metallic pen. Love that! 


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