Thứ Bảy, 3 tháng 4, 2010

Manchester United theme


For all MU fans! :) This is a creation that is almost identical as the Arsenal theme birthday card I made a while back. As you can see I made some minor adjustments here and there to turn it into a MU theme birthday card as requested by my customer.

The pop up I made is the same as the Arsenal theme card I made before except that I made some changes inside the pop up card.....there is no red lips whatsoever hihihihihi......only hearts and MU logos....I even got carried away with the decorations that I simply forgot to leave some space on the right side of the card for my customer to write anything in there....oh dear!!!! I hope she can still write in there somehow huhuhuhuhu.....but, I guess it looks nice that way rather than only doing half of the design on the left side and leaving a blank page on the right. Oh well.....I just hope she is happy with what I did coz I surely am :)

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