Thứ Năm, 26 tháng 8, 2010

Cherry on Top Award

I was really surprised today when I received a message from Christina of Card Creations & More by C
about this blog award. Thank you so much for giving me this award Christina! :). It's so cute! Love it!

After receiving this award, I'm was asked to list down three things that I love about myself. Those three things are as below:

1.  I can make a living at home with the skills that God has given me, and enjoy doing it everyday.

2. I love to give things that I made with my own hands, especially my handmade cards, to my friends and family. I love seeing how excited they are when receiving them.

3. A good listener. :) I have to post a picture that I love. it is :).

Who is that little pumpkin in blue?? That's my little "nephew" who was 4 months old when this picture was taken. He is about 10 months old now. His name is Mior Emir Aziz.....but we all call him Emir. See how adorable he is??? I love this picture so much! If ever I feel depressed, stressed or sad or if I'm in whatever situation that brings me down, all I need to do is look at this picture and I'm smiling again. Don't get me wrong....I do look at this picture even when I'm happy hehehehe......coz this little pumpkin is just so adorable to look at. :D

And now here are the 5 ladies that I love and wish to share this award with!

The rules of accepting this award are:
1. You must thank the person who gave this award to you.
2. Copy the award and paste it on your blog.
3. List three things you love about yourself.
4. Post a picture that you love on your blog.
5. Pass this award on to five others.

Thứ Tư, 25 tháng 8, 2010

Pink + green mosque


Another cute but funny looking mosque is added to my quilled mosque - Raya cards collection today :).  This time I am using a combination of pink and green....which is one of my personal favourite combo. I just had to use the green card again. Love the green paper so much....such a bright green color. Pretty striking. 

It's a cute note size card like most of my other Raya cards I made this year. I prefer to make them in small sizes unless requested otherwise. No pop ups for this the wordings are pasted on the card itself. I even made changes to the design of the quilled mosque itself.....not a major change...just a small one. Just to make it look a little different from the first one. :) I think I prefer this one because it's sweeter :).

Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 8, 2010

Blue pelita


I received a request to do this Raya card design yesterday. This design is actually has the same layout as HR018A except that I changed the color combination upon request. It's soft sweet blue mixed with bright green and beige....and a dash of silver. The card is meant for a guy who's favorite color is blue. :) So is mine actually hehehe. 

No pop up for this one as the wording is placed on the card itself. I really enjoy making this design. It's so much faster to make compared to the ketupat card which takes a much longer time to get done because there are more paper to quill with that one. :)

Chủ Nhật, 22 tháng 8, 2010

Quilled mosque


First time ever for me to create my own quilled mosque! Yay! So happy about that! I got the idea last night while watching the Asian Food Channel and quilling at the same time in front of the TV, LOL! :D My Mom said that it looked like one of those buildings in Arabian Nights hahaha! It sure does a little bit doesn't it? Except the colors are not at all like that in the story. I sure would like to change the colors a bit. Perhaps make the mosque in a more cheerful color :).

I made a pop up inside pop up the Raya wishes. Most of my Raya cards, I'll be doing the same thing....popping up the wordings inside it. Not all....but most of the small ones I would do that. Just a simple type of pop up. :)

Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 8, 2010

Swap cards!

A few weeks ago my fellow quilled artist Asma' from Simple Rhyme and I thought that it would be a great idea if we could swap cards with each other. She was so interested in my quilled roses handmade pop up card and she would love to own it one day. Then thought to myself....hmmm....why not we just swap cards??? This way, we both get to own each others handmade creations. And I would love to own one of her quilled cards too!! So swapping cards with each other would be a great idea! 

I've never swap cards with a Malaysian card designer before so this is pretty thrilling! Plus I didn't even know what her card would looked like before we decided to do this swap. I only knew what it looked like last week. You have no idea how excited I was when I saw it for the first time! So happy!!!! :) It's beautiful!!! And it's the only one in the world!! How cool is that??? Specially made for me from the talented Miss Asma'. :) I bet a lot of people didn't know this, but this young lady quilled those beautiful flowers and leaves using her bare hands!!!! No quilling tools at all were used during the process. Imagine that?? I've tried to quill before without using a quilling tool and believe me, it's NOT EASY! So I really respect the fact that she managed to quill those flowers and leaves and lots more quilled patterns without using any quilling tool. Pretty special don't you think?? I sure do think so! :)

I received this card this morning!!! Super thrilled to finally receive it and hold it in my own hands. Very precious indeed! I took so many photos of it too hehehehe..... :D. Of course I have no plans to use this card.....I intend to keep it for myself.....hehehe......after's the one and only design that she made  especially for me. So I'm hoping to frame it and hang it in my studio. One thing though......I wished that she had signed the card for would be more special if there was a signature from the artist herself. But I'm still happy though....very very happy! :)

Thank you Asma' for doing this swap with me.....I really appreciate it!!! I haven't posted my card to her yet.....been so busy with Raya orders lately......but will be posting it to her soon enough.... :). Be patient ya Asma' ......hehehhee....... ;).

Do visit her blog and view her quilled cards at SIMPLE RHYME......she's one talented young lady with a big big heart! :) I can't stop smiling now! :) :) :) Wooooooooohoooooooooooo!!!!

Thứ Năm, 19 tháng 8, 2010

Three pelita

 A soft purple or lilac Raya card with three standing pelita in one row :). I adore this one! hehehe! This is an order I got from my own auntie. She loves the color so much. It's her favorite color. I thought of doing this one for her because she wants quite a lot of them to give to her friends and I thought of something that's easy and quick for me to do. And so I came up with this one.

There isn't much of quilling involved in this design. Just playing a lot with the layout and arrangements of the embellishments. I didn't even make any wording wishes yet to be placed inside the card. I am planning on doing so and will upload the photos of it when it's done. :)

Thứ Tư, 18 tháng 8, 2010

Quilling rectangles


I'm so happy today because I was able to make a few quilled pelita for my Raya cards :). This was only possible after I learned how to quill rectangles. Before this, I only knew how to quill squares, but never attempt to quill rectangles.....and I learned how to do it by watching videos on Youtube. Youtube is my Sifu (Teacher) hehehehe. 
After pasting the quilled the pelita on the card, I decided to add a stand for it. I really love it! At least the pelita does not look like it's floating in the air hehehe. I like making the pelita.....because it's a lot easier to do compared to making the quilled ketupat :). Not to mention, faster to get the card done too! :D

Happy 11th Birthday

This is my second time making this birthday card. The first one was done last May. At the time I was still new to the quilling technique....and I tried to make the light on the candles using the quilled teardrop shape. I didn't quite did it right.....and was struggling on how to arrange the quilled teardrop on the card, making sure it stays in line with the candle itself. But it was difficult to glue all the quilled teardrops one by one. In the end, it looked so untidy :(. Have a look at the card at the link HERE. See the difference from the latest one I made? A big difference right? :)

I finally figured out how to make sure all the quilled teardrops are arranged on the card neatly. And since the birthday girl's age is 11, I managed to arrange 11 candles on the cake! Cool! :) I also had trouble making the pop up. I've forgotten how to arrange the balloons LOL! It took me awhile to get it done but I did it in the end. I guess that's how handmade cards are. They are bound to look different each time you make them. It'll never look exactly the same :).

Chủ Nhật, 15 tháng 8, 2010

Ribbon ketupat


I received an order from my customer who was interested in one of my Raya cards design. It is a design that I made last year. See the card design HERE. She requested that the colors of the cards be in pink theme and the other in red and white theme. So that's how it all started. :) I personally love them both but prefer the pink one better because the soft pink color is sweet :)

More ketupat cards!



:D Yes...I know I's quilled ketupat AGAIN! LOL! I just can't help myself. This time around, there's only two quilled ketupat on the card instead of three. Another simple design :).

I made a pop up inside where I pop up the wordings. Very simple ya? :)

Thứ Bảy, 14 tháng 8, 2010

Quilled ketupat

HR016A - No glitters

 HR016A - With glitters

HR016B far....this is all I'm interested in doing.....quilling ketupat hahahaha..... :D.  I still haven't tried making Raya cards using other quilling forms....only ketupat, ketupat and more ketupat hehehehe! Seriously when it comes to Raya cards, I'm just clueless and blur. It's so difficult to come up with any idea. I was thinking of doing the Pelita....but, gosh, right now...just no mood....something wrong with me. Is it the fasting? Making me so tired and lazy and moody and God knows what else hehehe....

The cards above have very simple layouts. Nothing fancy or complicated at all. I just focused on the quilled ketupat. Making the ketupat as the center of attraction hehehe.....the focal point. At first I didn't even put any ribbon at the bottom of the card. There were only the quilled ketupat on the card......then later on, I thought of adding the ribbons. The photos above did not do justice to the design. Will take the photos again next time when I've completed the envelopes for the cards.

This is a note size card...a bit smaller than the previous quilled ketupat card I made before. No wordings inside it yet. Will make the wordings for the cards soon. I already got something in mind. :) And it's probably going to be simple as well hehehe.

Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 8, 2010

August 2010 Blog Giveaway!

Alhamdulillah...praise to Allah....I have managed to come up with an idea for my August giveaway. I have been worried sick thinking about this giveaway since last week. I was totally clueless of what to create. In my mind I knew that the design had to be something easy enough for me to handle.....because there will be 8 winners this time around. I'm sorry I'm unable to make pop up cards for my giveaways from now onwards. It's just too time consuming. I just cannot handle it. Truly sorry ya. I know a lot of people are hoping to get the pop up cards.....unfortunately I am just not capable to do so many of them right now.

The rules of the giveaway this time around is the same as the previous month. Check it out below! :)

Prizes for August 2010 Blog Giveaway:
8 quilled butterfly cards for 8 lucky winners
Rules on how to participate in this blog giveaway is quite simple. Just follow the guidelines below to be entitled as a participant.

1. For Bloggers..... you must sign up as my follower .

2. For Twitters..... be my follower in Twitter! :)

3. For those who are neither Bloggers nor Twitters, but are a Fan in my Facebook Fan are eligible to participate in this giveaway as well.

4.  Leave a comment on this post by writing your name and your valid/active email  
    address. Please read more below on what you must do to enter.

-----> For Bloggers.....YOU MUST WRITE about this blog giveaway at your own respective blog and include the photo you see above in it as well and add my blog link.  PLEASE write the URL link of your blog post in your comment as well so that I can easily go and visit and read your post at your respective blog.

-----> For Twitters......YOU MUST TWEET about this blog giveaway as often as you can to your followers. :)

------> For Lin Handmade Greeting Cards Facebook Fans.........YOU MUST promote this giveaway at your Facebook profile page.  For example you can do so by clicking on the "Like" button of this post or you can upload the photo above and write about the giveaway in your Facebook profile page. And provide me the URL link if possible, so that I can check later to verify your entry.

Ok! Those are the simple steps that you need to do in order to get an entry in this blog giveaway. Those who fail to follow the rules will not be included in the lucky draw list. This giveaway ends on 31st of August 2010 at 11.59pm. 8 lucky winners will be chosen by a lucky draw and the names of the winners will be announced on the on the first week of September 2010......All the best of luck to all participants! Thank you for your support!!! :)


Quilled butterfly pattern

My first ever quilled butterfly card! hehehe! It's so simple!!! I'm so excited about this! This design is the result of so many experiments of quilled butterflies that I've been making for the past few days. So far, this particular one is the easiest and most suitable to combine with the three quilled marquise flowers. :)

Actually this card is meant for my August 2010 Blog Giveaway. Yup.....I'll be giving this card away to 8 lucky winners heheheh.....along with another surprise which I will be blogging about soon. :)

This card has no pop ups inside. Didn't plan to make any for it though. It's suitable for any a Thank you card....or Thinking of You card.....or whatever suits your fancy :). It can be anything you want it to be.