Thứ Bảy, 21 tháng 8, 2010

Swap cards!

A few weeks ago my fellow quilled artist Asma' from Simple Rhyme and I thought that it would be a great idea if we could swap cards with each other. She was so interested in my quilled roses handmade pop up card and she would love to own it one day. Then thought to myself....hmmm....why not we just swap cards??? This way, we both get to own each others handmade creations. And I would love to own one of her quilled cards too!! So swapping cards with each other would be a great idea! 

I've never swap cards with a Malaysian card designer before so this is pretty thrilling! Plus I didn't even know what her card would looked like before we decided to do this swap. I only knew what it looked like last week. You have no idea how excited I was when I saw it for the first time! So happy!!!! :) It's beautiful!!! And it's the only one in the world!! How cool is that??? Specially made for me from the talented Miss Asma'. :) I bet a lot of people didn't know this, but this young lady quilled those beautiful flowers and leaves using her bare hands!!!! No quilling tools at all were used during the process. Imagine that?? I've tried to quill before without using a quilling tool and believe me, it's NOT EASY! So I really respect the fact that she managed to quill those flowers and leaves and lots more quilled patterns without using any quilling tool. Pretty special don't you think?? I sure do think so! :)

I received this card this morning!!! Super thrilled to finally receive it and hold it in my own hands. Very precious indeed! I took so many photos of it too hehehehe..... :D. Of course I have no plans to use this card.....I intend to keep it for myself.....hehehe......after's the one and only design that she made  especially for me. So I'm hoping to frame it and hang it in my studio. One thing though......I wished that she had signed the card for would be more special if there was a signature from the artist herself. But I'm still happy though....very very happy! :)

Thank you Asma' for doing this swap with me.....I really appreciate it!!! I haven't posted my card to her yet.....been so busy with Raya orders lately......but will be posting it to her soon enough.... :). Be patient ya Asma' ......hehehhee....... ;).

Do visit her blog and view her quilled cards at SIMPLE RHYME......she's one talented young lady with a big big heart! :) I can't stop smiling now! :) :) :) Wooooooooohoooooooooooo!!!!

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