Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 2, 2011

Quilled gift cards

What have I been up to lately? Well since my PC is down......I've been busy keeping up with small orders and I have also been busy doing this small project. It's an order I got from a dear friend. She has always been ordering gift cards from me. She uses them to put money in it and write in short wishes for wedding couples on their wedding day. I do the same as well if I ever go to weddings as I prefer to give money instead of giving gifts to the newlyweds. I believe they need the money more than another new iron hahaha. ;)

I've never made gift cards with quilled decos on them before so I thought of doing it this time around for her. Was planning on making multi colored gift cards, all in soft toned colors. The quilled flowers are just simple designs. Tried to make it as simple as possible coz I need to make a lot of these for her.

I'm not that happy with the color choices.....wish I can come up with some other color combination for the gift cards. I don't hate them.....I just want to do more....perhaps I can think of more sweet colors later on. :) 

Thank God my aunt let me borrow her laptop so that I can blog about this today. Until my PC is fixed, I'll be using her laptop to blog whenever I can. :) Sorry if the photos are not that clear....I used my hand phone camera to take photos of my cards these days.....from there I would email it to my own email address and then I can upload them here. It's a new experience for me and I kinda like doing new things...hehehe!

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