Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 2, 2011

Quilling paper!!

Gosh! I feel like it has been so so so long since I last saw my blog in a big screen! For the past few days now I've been looking at it through my small hand phone screen. I tried to blog using the hand phone but it seems to be taking so long to type a few words...and I just lost my patience. :P Right now I'm at my aunt's house and blogging using her laptop. Thank God! hehe! I'm still having problems with my PC ....not sure yet when it will be resolved. :(

I just wanted to update the blog today by saying a million thanks to my dear fellow blogger Cheryl for sending me this wonderful and lovely gifts! I received it a couple of days ago. I knew she was sending me something but didn't know what it was and what a lovely surprise it is! I received two sets of Acid Free Quilling paper from her! I love love love the colors she chose for me! Even my Mom loved it too! I feel very very blessed indeed! Thank you so much Cheryl!!! :)

I haven't the slightest clue of  what I want to create with them yet......hehehe! But I'm sure I'll figure it out soon enough. At least during times away from the PC I get to create more cards in my studio and spend more time experimenting with new ideas. I really miss blogging......huhuhuhu....and I'm so happy I get to blog today! Yippeeeee! hehehe....please excuse me for being silly once in a while hehe! :D

Bubye for now......hope to blog here again soon! ;) Happy reading!!

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