Thứ Năm, 31 tháng 5, 2012

Ruffled ribbons


Ribbons, ribbons and more ribbons! Combinations of ruffled ribbons and love theme pattern ribbons in one card. I love how I can make use of the ribbons I have and embellished the card with them this way. I made this card while I was on leave. Got the idea when I was watching one YouTube video of how to make the ruffled ribbons without having to sew it. It was so cool, I had to give it a try just for fun ;).

I didn't put any wordings on it yet. Haven't decided whether to put or not. I seem to like it just the way it is. Using ribbons as embellishments is probably one of the simplest ways to decorate a card. Another would be to use wrapping paper or pattern paper. I just love looking at the texture the ribbons can make by making it ruffle like that. Gives it dimension and character. :)

Chủ Nhật, 27 tháng 5, 2012

Iris folding





This is my new love. Iris folding......... :) While on leave, I decided to try out some techniques that I have been wanting to experiment on for a long time now.

Commonly, iris folding is done using folded pattern paper, but I had decided to use ribbons instead for my first try. Inspired by looking at images of iris folding handmade cards on the net and books, I just had to give it a go!

I have to admit, I do have quite a lot of ribbons available in my collection and I simply wanted to try out different craft techniques using ribbons. Iris folding is just one of the many ways I'm using to experiment with ribbons. 

The parcel design above is actually a design I used from a book I bought some time ago by Michelle Powell. There are many free design templates inside her book that I can use and experiment on. The instructions  in the book are pretty easy to follow and I can't wait to try out some more. Mind you, they are not "super easy" but reasonably easy enough for me to figure out and follow hehehehehe. I had to crack my head a bit in the beginning to do it but it's really worth the try and making it my own.

I made these cards for someone special......the soft pink one was given to her for her birthday, the other three are for her to give to whomever she wishes. :)

I do believe that the iris folding technique will be one of my favourite techniques to use for my handmade cards this year ;) Loving it!!

Thứ Tư, 16 tháng 5, 2012

Taking a long break...

Hahahaha.....please excuse the wordings on the photo.....actually that's exactly how I feel right now......I wish I can take a break and return whenever I want......but of course that is not possible.

I've been thinking about this for the past one week now......due to my poor health condition, I've decided to take a break for about 2 weeks to get some rest from work and get my health back on track. I really, honestly need a break from work for a while. Need to recharge.

So this means that I will be on leave from today on wards till end of this month and I will resume back to work on 1st of June 2012.

Hopefully after this long break I will be feeling great once again and be able to create new things with lots of passion :). 

Love & hugs to everyone,

Thứ Bảy, 5 tháng 5, 2012

Mummy, Daddy and baby bird


Here it is! The birthday card that my customer ordered for her husband's birthday together with the quilled blue flower frame.

Actually if you look at it closely, this design looks familiar right?? Well, that's because it's originally a design I recreated from my old design, V042. In that design, there are only 2 love birds, but in this one, my customer requested that I put a little baby bird in the middle to represent her first born. It's so cute! I rarely make little birdies like that so it was fun to make one that small. For the branch, I decided to make a long one so that I can fit all 3 birds together on it, like one happy family :).

One thing I loved about making this card this time is the fact that it has a new kind of envelope. I saw on YouTube the other day on how to make box envelopes using the scoring board and I'm just super excited about it! hehe! How can I not be excited about it right?? It's super cool that now I can make my very own special envelopes for my quilled cards....something that fits them perfectly, no more worries about whether or not the quilling will spoil the envelope or visa versa etc etc etc....bla bla bla.....yup, no more worries about all that. Problem solved.  And of course the envelopes are made using thicker paper too to protect the quilling design. ;)

But still, I prefer to give quilled handmade cards by hand instead of posting them to my loved ones. It's a lot more thrilling to watch their happy reactions when they received the cards from me. Priceless! :)

Shades of blue on black


:D another quilled flower frame of the exact same layout design as the ones I've done before but this time the flowers are in shades of BLUE!!! My favourite ;). You must be wondering why I added some shades of pink as well in this design......well, first of all, my customer was the one who suggested it.....second of all, I thought that the blues were too blue and it needed some bright colours to cheer them up! hehe! And sure enough they did! ;)

This quilled flower frame is actually for my customer's's for his birthday :). Hope he likes it. She also ordered a handmade card together with this quilled flower frame. I will blog about it soon ;)

Thứ Ba, 1 tháng 5, 2012

May 2012 Blog Giveaway

Hello everyone!

Yes, believe it or not, it's now time for giveaway no.5!! Wooooohoooooo!! :D

This time around, I didn't have a lot of time in my hands to make something for the winner from scratch so I decided to giveaway some of the things I have in my studio for that one lucky winner this month. The items I packed inside the tool box are, 3 different colours of handcut glitter foams hearts, 3 different colours of foam alphabets and numbers, some colourful ink pens for stamping, some colourful colour pencils, some sponge stickers, some handcut felt flowers, some foam stamps, colourful buttons, a small flower craft punch and last but not least some colourful Popsicle sticks for making bookmarks. Hope you all like items for the giveaway ;).

It's pretty easy to enter this giveaway. It's the same conditions like last month's giveaway. Everyone is eligible to enter it. Please read the instructions carefully:

1. "LIKE" my Facebook Fan Page at the link HERE or "Follow" my blog at the followers box at the side bar of my blog.
2. You can either: 
Blog about this giveaway at your blog with a link back to this post OR you can put the link of this giveaway at your Facebook profile.
3. Come back to this post and write your name and your URL link at Mr. Linky's widget below.
4. You may write a comment at this post if you like :). Appreciate it very much ;).

This giveaway runs from today till 11.59pm on 31st of May 2012. I shall announce the name of the lucky winner during the first week of June.

All the best to all who are participating in this giveaway. Good luck!! :) 



Winner of April 2012 Blog Giveaway

It's been randomly picked and the lucky winner is...............lucky number 4!!!! ;) Congratulations to Miss Cristina Flores for winning the quilled flower frame. :) Do email me and give me your full mailing details so that I can post the quilled flower frame to you. :)

Thank you so much to everyone who took the time to enter my blog giveaway and helped promote it at your blogs and Facebook. I really appreciate it very much. To the ones who have not won anything from my blog before, do not give up hope. You have still stand a chance to win something from me this year :).

I have a special gift prepared for May 2012 Blog Giveaway. It's very special to all my readers and fans ;). Do check out the next giveaway that's coming soon!!