Thứ Hai, 28 tháng 6, 2010

Featured in Berita Harian Minda

Last week I was contacted by the Berita Harian - Minda,  journalist Ms. Khairunnisa who was keen on featuring me in the Tips and Panduan section that's dedicated generally for school kids. This particular section of the paper guides school kids to do DIY projects at home or at school. So I was asked to co-write the article and guide the kids with some tips on how to make a very simple handmade greeting card.

Sounds simple enough right? hahaha.....well, I had trouble deciding how to do it at first. I thought of doing quilling or pop up cards, but the journalist insists that the card had to be something very simple so that the kids can easily do it at home with their limited tools and materials. So in the end, I wrote a step by step instruction on how to make a simple handmade birthday card, including several photos of the process itself from beginning till the end. But looks like only 4 photos showed up in the article hehehehe. Oh well, there isn't enough space to show all of them anyways. :)

Everything was done and arranged through email. I never even met the journalist because she's working in Kuala Lumpur. So we just corresponded online. This is the first time for me to actually write something for the paper and it's pretty exciting. It was a little difficult as well since I'm not used to writing in I had to write and edit several times to make sure people can understand what I'm trying to explain hehehe. All in all, it was a good experience. I'm so glad I took the chance and did it in the end. :)

I'm sorry I couldn't scan the article.....something wrong with my scanner and I don't know how to fix it I was only able to take photos of it using my digital camera. I was hoping the article can be found online at the Berita Harian website, so that I can link it here....unfortunately it's not available there. So, this is the best that I can do for now...sorry ya. :(

Thank you so much to Ms. Khairunnisa for giving me this opportunity. I really really appreciate it! :) Yay!!!

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