Thứ Sáu, 1 tháng 10, 2010

End of September 2010 Blog Giveaway

Hello everyone!

Septermber's blog giveaway is officially over. Currently I'm still on holiday hehehe. But, no worries ya.....I will be revealing the names of the 9 lucky winners soon. I haven't been able to check the entries yet.....but I know for  sure that for September's blog giveaway.....quite a number of people participated in it. That's really great! :) I'm so happy that this time around there are more people supporting my blog giveaway. :)

Thank you so much to all who have entered this giveaway and supported my blog :). It means a lot to me! Thanks again! Do be patient ya! Will be making the announcement of the winners soon!!! :)


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