Thứ Năm, 28 tháng 10, 2010

Teddy bears!

Miss Cheryl from Cards by Cheryl was order to get into the mood again to craft, sometimes we need to reorganize our working table.....or peek at other artist's work and get inspired by them. I did both! hehehe! Once I did all that, I am back in the mood to quill again. And this evening, I tried my hand at making quilled teddy bears! Yay!

I've always wanted to make a quilled teddy bear ever since Miss Asma' from Simple Rhyme made her quilled teddy bears some time ago. But she didn't make the body of the teddy.....she just made the head. And she did taught us all during the quilling get together on how to make the head of the teddy bear.  So cute!! Since I didn't get the chance to make one during the get together, I knew one day I would try to make one of those quilled teddy bears before I forget the instructions she gave me! hahaha! 

It's not that difficult to make. It's quite easy. The only thing is that, we have to be careful when quilling such a long paper strip. The bigger the quill, the harder to control it from slipping off my fingers and opening up. So I took my own sweet time when quiling it.....and not rushing it so much.

My quilled teddy bears still need some adjustments. It's not quite completed yet. I haven't done the eyes or mouth or nose on it's face. Still thinking of how to do it. Whether I should just draw the face using pen or using some other medium. 

I showed the quilled teddy bears to my Mom and she commented on how fat they look! hahaha! She says they have such a big belly! So boroi gitu! hahaha! Oh well! :D

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