Thứ Sáu, 8 tháng 10, 2010

Fly away with me....


 Come fly away with me.......
to another world.....
just you and me....
be free.....

I was inspired by the quilled butterfly wings that Miyyah taught me during our quilling get together. In fact......some of us from the group made hot air balloons from the same method. I guess we all saw it the minute we tried making the butterfly wings. We knew that it would be suitable for making hot air balloons. I didn't get the chance to make one during the get together. But I've been meaning to make one once I get back to work and today, I managed to do that....finally! :)

To be honest, I didn't know how to go about making the clouds. Tried to search in the net for examples....but couldn't find any. So I just wing it! At first I made it using only 5 quilled circles.....but it looked a little weird, so I added one more quilled circle to make it look more like a cloud. I'm happy now with how it looks heehhe.

I was also thinking of a design for my October 2010 Blog Giveaway. I thought to myself......this would be a cute one to do for the giveaway. I needed a simple design since I will be making about 10 pieces of cards for October. That's a lot to handle. I can't imagine how am I going to handle November's and December's giveaway! Yikes! hehehehe! I'm not sure if people would like to win this card though hehehehe.....but I sure hope there will be supporters out there who would like to own it. :) Coz I sure love it a lot! 

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