Thứ Sáu, 22 tháng 10, 2010

Making quilled clouds

What have I been busy doing lately? Making clouds! Yup! I've finished making all the hot air balloons and now I'm trying to finish up making the clouds for the giveaway cards. I've just realised that I have to quill 180 white circles to make 30 clouds. Gosh! That's just for 10 cards. But since I've gotten orders for this card design as well from other customers, so that means I have to make more clouds. Luckily they are not so difficult to make hehehe....

At first I wanted to make them using the needle tool but since there are just too many of them for me to make, I decided to make them using the slotted tool. Much easier for me and a little faster too :). Thought of using the bamboo skewer slotted tool but that one is somehow no longer a favourite of mine lately. I need to repair it so that the center of the quilled circles would look neater. 

I'm trying to finish making these giveaway cards before the giveaway ends. The fact is, I'm trying to get them done by tonight......but but but....huhuhu......looks like they are still not done yet,  there's still just a little bit more before they are all done......and I still got envelopes to make though.  :) Back to my working table!! Ciao! ;)

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