Chủ Nhật, 20 tháng 3, 2011

Crochet flowers and felt leaves


I had a dream last night. This card was inspired by that dream. I dreamt that a friend of mine got married. I was at her hometown and it was during the time of her wedding. She was really pretty on her wedding day. It was weird to have dreamt her getting married now considering that she had already gotten married years ago. So I have no idea why I had that dream. I wonder what it means. Hmmmmm.......but whatever it was a beautiful wedding though.... :). back to the card design hehehe. When I did the red crochet flowers previously....I also made these pink ones too. I only bought two color yarns for making crochet and red. So here is my take on the pink ones. At first I wanted to use the crochet leaves but I think they are not that nice coz I'm still not that good at making them....I still need to practice more on leaves. So to replace it, I decided to use multi colored felt instead. And I love how it looks! I can cut out the perfect size of felt leaves for the crochet flowers. It's easy to do too.

I love how easy the wedding pop up cake was to make! Got it done in just a few minutes! hehe! I think the embossed white paper is suitable for such an occasion. The pink flowers was added to match the design on the card. Simple and sweet :).

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