Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 3, 2011

Card Auction - PCGT V2.0

 Note: Photos above are taken with permission from Miyyah@Kertas Facebook Fan Page

As you all know...last Saturday we had a paper crafters gathering at Eco Cents. About 15 crafters attended and we all had fun making handmade cards, handmade bookmarks, and even decorated a frame with the quilling technique. The two cards you see above are the cards I managed to make during the gathering. Yup...I only managed to make two! LOL! I work really slow hehehe...... ;)

The cards and other crafts that were made during the gathering are now being auctioned at Miyyah@Kertas Facebook Fan Page. Do support our auction and bid bid bid for the highest price you can give for the cards and other crafts that are auctioned there. This auction is opened for serious bidders only and please take note that bidding for the cards & other crafts auctioned does not include cost of shipping.

The auction ends on Monday, 7th of March, 2011 at 11.59 am (GMT). Have fun bidding everyone!! I'm joining in the bidding too! ;)

To bid for the cards and other crafts of your choice, do visit the link HERE!

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