Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 4, 2011

Love themed birthday card


I got this order yesterday afternoon and I had to get it done and posted today.'s been a while since I took short notice orders from customers. Usually I wouldn't have done this. But since he gave me the freedom to do whatever I wanted, I excepted. Provided that the design must be a new one from me.....and it must not be something that is already available in my it had to be a fresh design from me. 

Honestly I didn't have a clue of how I was going to get it done. It's a birthday card with a love theme. He wanted it to be sweet and have lots of heart shapes in it. Of course, he also wanted a pop up inside it with the same theme.

After seriously brainstorming the ideas in my head, I finally decided to use my new heart shape craft punch set that I bought recently to do designs for the pop ups. I just love how it looks. This is the first time I've ever used a heart shape craft punch for my designs.......well, I mean a bigger size heart shape craft punch that is. Before this I would usually cut the heart shapes myself by hand. But I love using the craft punch now....coz it's so sharp and easy to use. Love playing with it. :) I was so happy that I managed to get the pop up done last night in such a short time. All thanks to the craft punches :)

I thought I was going to get inspired to do the design of the card itself in the morning but no great ideas came to my head until about 10.00am that I finally got something even though it's a simple idea but still, a simple idea is better than no idea at all hahahaha! :D So I proceeded with the idea and this is how it looks like in the end :). I've already posted the card even though my customer has not seen it yet! LOL!  He was too busy with work to check his email. He trusted me and gave me the permission to post it straight to his girlfriend.....awwww....he is so sweet! :) His girlfriend is a lucky gal! :)

Have a look at this photo above. He asked me to print this wording out in very small font and paste it at the back of the card below my logo. Isn't it sweet???? :) He must love her very very much. :)

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