Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 4, 2011

Wishing I could steal your heart too...


As you can see, this card design is not a new one....but what's new about it is that I've added a pop up inside it as per request from my customer. He loved the design of the card but  it didn't have anything inside it and so I suggested to him that I do a pop up that is similar to the design I made for the card V034. Yes, lately, I've been doing a lot of pop ups of that particular design since so many fancy the design a lot :).

Of course I had to match the design of the pop up with the colors available on the card. And so that's how it all started. So now I've got a blue version, black version and a red version of the pop up. :)

He requested that I write the wordings inside the card with my own handwriting. :) I always get nervous when my customers request me to do that, because one tiny mistake will spoil the whole thing and I would have to redo the whole pop up. So I gotta make sure that I have a steady hand whenever I need to write the wordings. Must make sure I had enough to eat otherwise, my hands would be shaking hahaha. ;).

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