Thứ Bảy, 31 tháng 3, 2012

March 2012 Blog Giveaway closed


It's official. The March 2012 Blog Giveaway is now officially CLOSED. 

Since I'm still away on vacation, I am unable to check on all the entries or announce who is the lucky winner. So this means that I can only do so once I get back from my vacation.

I know everyone must be excited to find out who will be the lucky winner right? I'm excited to find out about it too hehe! But I guess we will just have to wait for a day or two to find out. Please be patient ya. :) 

Till then! ;)

Thứ Năm, 29 tháng 3, 2012

Closed for a few days


Hello everyone! This is a scheduled post! hehe! :D I wrote this post much earlier on because I'll be away for a few days to go on a mini vacation starting on 30th of March till 2nd of April. This means that Lin Handmade Greetings Card will be closed during that time. But worry not because Lin Handmade Greetings Card will resume back to business on the 3rd of April 2012.

Any emails regarding orders of handmade cards or other craft products will be replied once I get back from my mini vacation :)

Please be informed and sorry for any inconveniences caused.

Yours truly,

Thứ Hai, 26 tháng 3, 2012

Paper photo frames with quilled flowers


Another first for me! Yup! It's the first time for me to make my own photo frame using mounting boards :). It was not quite as easy as I thought it would be when I first started making them but it was quite ok in end. These photo frames were requested from a customer of mine. She wanted me to buy a couple of white wooden photo frames and decorate them with quilled floral arrangements. Since I couldn't find any here in Alor Setar, so she gave me an option of making the frames using mounting boards instead. 

I did search for white mounting boards but the surface of the mounting board was not pretty. So I layered it with a better quality white metallic paper instead. Ting! hehe! You see, by doing this, I can always have any kind of colour on the photo frames. I also pasted a transparent plastic sheet inside the photo frame to protect the photo.:)

She gave me the freedom to decorate both frames any way I's all up to my creativity, but she did requested that the flowers be in red and pink combination. So that's how it all started :). I was kinda confused at first in choosing the type of flowers that I should be making for the decorations. That's what happens when you have too many flowers to choose from haha! In the end, I decided to do the Malaysian flower and also the Cascading + husking flower :). 


I made the Malaysian flower photo frame first and I think I love this one more than the other one hehehe. I love the flowers and the leaves as well. Can't help it. Love the Malaysian flower more coz the petals of the flowers looks chubby and cute haha. :D

Thứ Năm, 22 tháng 3, 2012

Scoring board!

This is the new love of my life. The Martha Stewart Scoring Board! Yay! I'm totally obsessed with it currently and will forever will be happy with it because now I can make my own envelopes with much pleasure. No more feelings of tortured when making envelopes like before. I know I should have bought it sooner but as usual, money was always an issue. Yes yes yes.....another item in my wishlist taken off ;).

This scoring board can help me make envelopes, fan fold flowers, score cards, make small boxes plus anything else I can come up with using my imagination hehehe :D.

I just got this yesterday and been playing with it ever since. So much more to learn about how to use it. Luckily YouTube is always around to help. YouTube is the best online teacher I have or best craft teacher I ever had when it comes to learning about crafts really. :). It's easier to ask YouTube than asking someone to help me :) hahahaha!

I'm in a "perpetual bliss" mode ;).....lalalalalalalalalalalala.......

Chủ Nhật, 18 tháng 3, 2012

Lots of green and pink!


Watch this video to see how the hearts pops up inside the card  ;)
(First time ever for me to take a video of my pop up card!! So exciting!! hehe!)

Look familiar?? Yes, this design is actually a design I made sometime ago, made it last year to be exact. But the colour combination was different when I did the HB085 birthday card. And the pop up inside was different as well. You can view it at the link --> HERE. My customer wanted me to change the colours to a combination of pink and green so that's why you see there are a lot of pinks and greens here :). And for the pop up, she was interested in something like HB039, but I didn't do exactly like that and changed the pop up to make it more suitable for this design.

It took me such a long long long time to get this card done for her. She had to wait for so many months! She is such a nice and patient customer. So grateful for that :). I'm so happy that I finally get it done and also made some bookmarks for her too, which she requested especially for her and her bf ;). You can view the bookmarks's a design I've done can view it at the link here ---> BM007 but since I ran out of dark brown paper, I had to substitute it with black instead but still I added the metallic brown paper for the engraved name behind the bookmark. So happy that she loved what I made for her ;). I'm so happy too! hehehehe!

Thứ Hai, 12 tháng 3, 2012

Alternatives for quilling comb

A lot of my readers have been asking me about the quilling comb. Many have expressed their interest in purchasing the product from me but unfortunately I no longer sell the product because I think that we can use an alternative tool to do the combing technique just by using a hair comb. It's cheaper! ;)

Below you can see the various types of hair comb that I am currently using for the combing technique. I used each of them for making different types of flowers or leaves. You can turn the hair comb into a quilling comb just by cutting off the end part of the comb using a small DIY hand saw. See below how I've changed the hair combs into quilling combs and view in the video the basics of how you can use the altered hair combs for the combing technique. Do watch till the end of the video because I'll be showing you how to make the  basic husking flower at the end of it! So do be patient and watch the whole video ya! Hehe! TQ!

I would say that this lice hair comb is my favourite! It's very easy to hold when doing the combing technique and I can do cascading loops with it and also the tiny loops petals as well with it. Love the small pins it has and the gap between the pins are really close together. But if I wish to make the loops look further apart from each other, I just skip a few pins to get bigger loops. You can only use one side of the comb. The other side has pins that are just too small and the gaps are too narrow for the quilling paper to go through. You can use this hair comb to make the cascading loop flower, the tiny loops flower and also the husking flower.

This hair comb is "ok la" for me hihihihi. Not my personal favourite but since it's bigger in size, it's quite comfortable to hold. The pins are quite big, thus producing bigger loops that sometimes are not to my liking.  This hair comb is not suitable for making the tiny loops flower though.  I've tested it and it didn't look that nice. But it's ok for making the cascading loops flower and husking flower :).