Thứ Năm, 27 tháng 9, 2012

Be Yourself Lin!

It's my birthday today! Yup! Feeling a little old on the outside but on the inside I'm still the little girl from Alor Setar who is jumping up with joy because I get to celebrate my birthday today! Yay! Alhamdulillah....praise to Allah....for giving me another year to enjoy life on earth with my loved ones.

Another reason why I'm jumping up with joy is because I received this wonderful birthday card from my dear friend Sandi Staley all the way from USA. She made this card herself. I'm so happy! I didn't expect it at all. I love surprises!

The reason why I decided to feature this card today is because of the wordings on the card itself. It's so special, so uplifting and it really made my day. The design is so simple, love the blue and black combination.....especially the blue since it's my favourite the design of the stamp inside the card so much.....Sandi is very good at making her card designs look simple yet very attractive at the same time. I've always loved her card designs.
Thank you so much really means a lot to me....knowing and considering what you are going through the pass few months, it makes it even more special that you took the trouble to send me the card and gifts.....I feel very blessed indeed.... <3 <3 <3

28/9/2012 - I just found out today from Sandi that there is a fridge magnet on the card!! Sandi made the small piece on the card as a fridge magnet! I never knew that! She used a magnet sheet and paste it at the back of the's hidden with layers of you won't be able to see it, but it works! As you can see from the photo above, I was able to stick the small wording on the white board....just like a fridge magnet! Cool! Love the idea!! ^.^

Thứ Ba, 18 tháng 9, 2012

Alphabets in photo frames

QF002 (With alphabets)

Look familiar? Yes, it's an old design but with a new twist to it :). There is a slight addition to it as per request from my dear customer. Yes, I've added some foam alphabets and a multicoloured quilled heart to it. Actually,  I was supposed to make quilled alphabets. But unfortunately I'm still not good at making them huhuhuu... :(. I've tried a few times but failed because the alphabets that I tried to make were a bit too small. Perhaps if it was a little bigger in size, I would be able to do it. I'm still not good at it yet >.<. Must practice more!

I had no problem remaking the quilled flower arrangements on the photo frame except for the quilled alphabets. Thank God I had those foam alphabets at hand. They really saved the day! hehehe! Lucky for me, my customer didn't mind it at all when I wanted to use them for the frames. She is so sweet!! ;) This is the first time I'm using the foam alphabets. I bought them some time ago so that I can use them for my handmade cards but in the end, I used them for these photo frames instead. Perhaps one day I'll use them for my handmade cards. I still have no new ideas yet for that. It will come to me soon.....the ideas will come....I just don't know when...... hahahahaha :D.

Thứ Sáu, 14 tháng 9, 2012

Pop up roses card


I got a request from my dear little sis to make a birthday card for her hubby. Although her hubby's birthday has already passed but she insisted that I make a birthday card for her dearest because she is still in confinement ( she just delivered a baby boy a few weeks ago)....and couldn't go out to get something that would be suitable for him. So I just couldn't say no to this one. Luckily I was given full freedom to design it anyway I like it except that she did made a little request and that was that the card has to be all white in colour because her hubby loves that colour so much and must have a bouquet of roses inside it.  Luckily I was allowed to add some silver to it as it is one of her favourite colour as well other than white. Hmmm looks like both wife and hubby has the same favourite colour...white! I love white too :).

I've never made pop up roses before so I didn't know how at first to make them. I'm not that good at drawing the flowers either. It was just a spontaneous thing and was very quick and easy rose design. The white vase pop up was something new for me to try as well from my pop up book. One of the easy pop up vases project that I tried to make from the book.

The wordings I made on the card were hand carved using a craft knife. It was a bit tricky to carve them because the paper I used were quite thick. Those white and silver paper were a gift from my dear friend Sandi Staley that I received some time ago. Love them so much! :) Have a look at the video below ;) 

Chủ Nhật, 2 tháng 9, 2012

September 2012 Blog Giveaway

Hello! Hello! How is everyone today? Hope that this post will bring you much joy on this blessed day. :)

It is now time for giveaway number 9! Yes, already the 9th month...the 9th time I'm giving away prizes for my lovely readers ;).
As you can see, this time around I'm giving away another set of self cling rubber stamps plus an ink pad and it's stamp block to stamp with. Hope you love can make so many kinds of projects with it! All up to your imagination ;).

I really hope you would read carefully the rules for this giveaway and follow them so that you won't get left out from winning this giveaway. The rules are very easy to follow and are listed below:

Everyone with a BLOG is eligible to enter it. Please read the instructions carefully:

1. "LIKE" my Facebook Fan Page . Click the Like button that you can find at the top right corner of my blog.

2.  "FOLLOW" my blog.

3. Copy the photo of this giveaway and add it at the sidebar of your blog with a link that leads back to this giveaway post.

4. Write your name and your blog url link at Mr. Linky's widget below.
5. You can only enter once...please do not enter more than once using different blogs. I only allow 1 participant per entry. Those who fail to comply to the rules will be deleted from the list.

This little giveaway runs from today till 11.59pm on 30th of September 2012. I shall announce the name of the lucky winner during the first week of October 2012. Thank you so much for participating!!! ;) 


Winner of August 2012 Blog Giveaway

The August 2012 Blog Giveaway is officially CLOSED! And the winner for the August 2012 Blog Giveaway IS ---------------> LUCKY NUMBER 94! MISS KAVITHA VADHRI ! 

Congratulations Miss Kavita Vadhri  for winning the craft products. Hope you can email me your full details so that I can post the craft products to you soon.

Thank you all who have participated in my giveaway.  132 participants altogether. Actually there were more people who participated in this giveaway but quite a few did not follow the instructions given therefore had to be deleted from the list. Really sorry about that. Thank you for all your support in entering my giveaway. Appreciate it very much! :)

I will be holding another giveaway for September, which is my most favourite month of the year hehehe...........will be blogging about it soon...... ;)