Thứ Năm, 14 tháng 2, 2013

Free gifts!

You must be wondering what's the photo above all about. Actually those are pattern papers that I've received yesterday from a company in China called Wholeport. I got them for free! So excited about it. :). They are quite large in size....about the size of a wrapping paper. These are just a few free gifts that I got from them this month......they'll be sending more in months to come for me to use and make something from them. You can get them too if you join their sponsorship program like I did. It would be interesting to get a chance to try out free samples of the products that they are selling at their website. 

There are so many interesting craft products to try out from their website, I find it hard to choose which one that I wanted to try the end I decided to try their pattern paper first since I am a card maker and pattern paper is something that I would definitely use a lot in card making.

I hope to make some trishutter cards using these fancy pattern papers.......not sure of the design yet though...still thinking about it. Perhaps I can use them to make cards for my blog giveaways too, that would be a good idea hehe. Or I can just giveaway some of the paper to one of the lucky about that?? Would you like that? At least you can try the products yourself and see if you like it too. All I can think about now is, I can't wait to play with them! ;)

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