Thứ Ba, 24 tháng 9, 2013

A combination of something old and new....


Ok....I gotta admit.....I have used this purple floral pattern paper for my handmade cards more than once! In fact I've used it twice already. And now for the 3rd time I'm using the same ones. Have a look at the link HERE and HERE to view the older designs of tri-shutter cards that I have made using the purple floral pattern paper.

In this design I have actually combined some of the old designs from the other tri-shutter cards I've made and turned it into something new. Made some changes here and there and walla! It's done and I gotta say that this is my favourite among the three designs.

This is the first time I tried to make the double bow using a 1/8 inch satin ribbon. I saw a tutorial on how to make it on Youtube. I never knew how simple it is to make it until I saw the tutorial. Gosh, I've got a lot to learn! There's so many great tutorials on Youtube.....I just need to find time to view them all hehe!

Another part of the card that I thought was nice are the white polka dots on the dark purple textured paper. I punched out some white paper dots and glued them one by one on the dark purple textured paper. I love how the dots can make such a difference on the look of the card. It just changes everything don't you think so? :)

One other thing that I like about the card is the colour of the distress ink which I blended on all sides of the tri-shutter card to give a dark walnuty shade behind the pattern paper. I just love doing that for my tri-shutter cards these days.

You can have a look at the tri-shutter card and see how it opens up and closes from the video below:

Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 9, 2013

Little girl's birthday swing card


I almost gave up a few days ago. I wonder if my customer felt the same too at that time. She had to wait a long time for this card to be completed because I had a pretty difficult time getting an idea for it! It looks like a simple design right? Nothing that complicated. But sometimes I can't even think of a simple design....hahahaha! I always wanna complicate things. Indecisive too! But in the end.....the card looks simple anyways! LOL! :D Sometimes what I planned to do comes out differently from what I had in mind. It always does. I'm just super relieved that my customer is very happy with the results! :D

This pink theme girlish birthday swing card is made especially for my customer's 8 year old daughter. Her name is Fatin (if I'm not mistaken) ;). She is very much interested in card making, quilling etc. I was so surprised when her mother told me about her passion for crafting. It makes me really happy to know that at that young age, she already knows what she wants and what she is passionate about. She had already told her mother that she wishes to learn about crafting from me sweet! Hopefully someday she and I can meet up and have fun shaa Allah....God willing.... :). 

I used a lot of sponge stickers for this card.....just like how my customer wanted it. She wanted something like the birthday card that I did in my first swing card....but since that card was meant for a boy , so I had to make some changes with the colours and motifs since this card is for a girl. She also mentioned how much her daughter loves pink! So pink it is all over! With a little white, soft yellow and purple combination. :)

I wanted so badly to use the die-cut letters of Happy Birthday on the card. I tried to arrange them, but they won't fit in if they are arranged in a straight line!! So I had to arrange them in a way that all of them can fit in one space. Even though they are not in a straight line, I kinda like looking at them randomly arranged that way.... :D As long as you can read it, then its all good! :D

I love the paper balloons! This is the first time I'm using them! I bought the balloon motif craft punch so long ago and only thought of using it now for this card. Kinda nice not having to cut out my own paper balloons hehehe.....I kinda wish I have a bigger balloon craft punch now.....coz it's super nice to use for birthday cards!

Have a look at the video of the card below for a closer look at the card and how it swings in motion! :)

Thứ Ba, 17 tháng 9, 2013

Embossed mini rolled roses tutorial

Yay!!! Finally I got some free time today to do a quick video tutorial that so many have been waiting for. I have received a lot of requests for this tutorial and I know I just had to somehow arrange my time to do it this month and I'm so glad I managed to do it in my busy schedule. 

It may not be a perfect tutorial but I really hope everyone is able to understand what I tried to convey in it and hopefully you guys can try it out yourself and see if it would work out for you as much as it did for me. As you can see from the photo above, all the paper roses are not identical.....they all turned out differently each time I make don't worry too much if they don't look the same. They are supposed to look handmade! :D

Have a look at the video tutorial below! Have fun!! :)

Thứ Tư, 11 tháng 9, 2013

Japanese motifs tri shutter card


Someone requested me to make a card design months ago that is similar to my old card design which you can view HERE. It was an anniversary card that I made some time back but was very limited in stock because of it's pattern paper that I used for that design. I didn't have a lot of stock of that particular pattern paper therefore I was not able to remake it for customers who were interested in ordering it. But since so many liked it so much I decided to make a new design that is similar to it. But in this design, it will be a birthday card and not an anniversary card. But I can just simply change the wordings to fit the occasion because I feel that the design is suitable for both occasions :).

I had with me some pattern papers that I received from Wholeport which I thought would be suitable for this design. And sure enough, they fit really well together.....they compliment each other. Both pattern papers has Japanese motifs on them which I adore a lot.

I used the same type of flowers that I used for the earlier design. It's actually a die-cut flower which I embossed to get the 3D effect. I still maintained the foam hearts design except that the foam hearts which I used here are glittered ones. They are hand cut foam hearts by the way. I cut them myself using just plain scissors.

I gotta say I love the pop up heart that I made for this trishutter card. All because I used a die-cut heart patterns which I recently bought. I pasted 2 more die-cut heart pattern on the left and right side of the pop up heart for the sender to write special wishes on.

I'm so glad my customer loved it so much.....especially since she had to wait so long to get it.....thank you so much for your kind patience my dear ;).

You can view the trishutter card more closely at the video below:

Thứ Ba, 10 tháng 9, 2013

Ribbon heart


Lately I've been playing a lot with distress ink. I just bought 2 more new colours to add in my collection and I've been having fun distressing card stocks with them. I gotta's a new addiction. Before this, I was not successful in using this technique in my card design. I was doing it all wrong. So I took the time to study it closely by viewing a lot of video tutorials on Youtube and saw how other crafters use this technique. Now that I know how to do it, I just can't stop using them in all my new card designs. Now I wish I have more colors to play with!! LOL! 

There are a few reasons why I made this anniversary card and one of the reasons is because I wanted to use those quilled roses that I made using the mini rolled roses die cut pattern. I had so much fun making them! You can see from the photo below some of the rolled roses that I made. 

But for this card design I only used the smallest mini rolled roses. The medium sized ones were not used. Perhaps I'll use them for other designs soon. :) I've been wanting to make a tutorial on how I made these roses but I've been very busy lately and didn't have the chance to make one yet. But I will do it eventually :).

I've done heart shape iris folding using ribbons before like the card you can view HERE. I miss doing it and so I made another one for this card. It's so much easier using ribbons rather than using paper. believe it or not....I have yet to try doing iris folding using paper. Must try it one day for sure.

Have a look at the video below to see how the card swings in motion. I love looking at it swing :).

Thứ Hai, 2 tháng 9, 2013

September 2013 Blog Giveaway

It's the 3rd of September.....just a couple of days late to start the giveaway but better a little late than not doing one at all right? ehehehehe!'s what I have prepared for the next lucky winner. I'm giving away some brass pendants that I received from Wholeport. I love them! I haven't used them yet for any of my craft projects. Thought of sharing each of the pendants that I received with the lucky winner. Hope whoever received these brass pendants will be able to use them in any of their craft projects. 

So! If you are interested in winning this giveaway, all you have to do is just follow the simple steps below:

1. Everyone is eligible to enter, I accept local and international participants.
2. All you have to do is promote my giveaway at your blog OR at your Facebook. Just put the link and photo of this giveaway at your site so that your viewers can see it.
3. After that, please copy and paste the link of where you promoted the giveaway at Mr Linky below so that I can view it too. Be sure to write your real name at Mr Linky too.
4. You may only enter this giveaway once! I don't allow participants to enter their names or links more than once.
5. Please "LIKE" my Facebook Page at the link HERE and please "Follow" my blog too. 

So that's it......that's all you have to do to enter this giveaway. Pretty easy right? :)

This giveaway starts today and ends at 12.00AM on 1st of October 2013.

Winner of the August 2013 Blog Giveaway

A bit late with the announcement but at least it's still during the first week of September ehehehe! Gosh, can you believe it?? It's already September! My favourite month of the year of course because my birthday is coming soon ehehe! Although the number is increasing but who cares right? I'm always young at heart! ;)

OK! Now back to the giveaway! The winner is lucky number 98! I'm not really sure if the winner is a "he" or a "she" because of the name this person wrote at Mr Linky is without any vowels ehehehe! So I have no idea how to pronounce it myself. But I'm guessing that it's a she! :)

The name of the winner is Ym Shbm. that's the name of the winner! I hope you will contact me soon at my email address (, so that I can post to you the gifts.

Thank you so much again to all the participants who tried their luck in winning for my August giveaway.....I truly appreciate your support a lot.  Stay tuned for September's Blog Giveaway.....I've got something really special for my another lucky winner! ;)