Thứ Tư, 19 tháng 5, 2010

Gorgeous Blogger Award!

:) Oh how sweet! Just a few days ago, I received this award from a sweet fellow blogger Aisyah Helga from My Tinker Space. Thank you dear Aisyah! I really appreciate it! I love visiting her blog to check out her beautiful and colorful crochet work and her DIY projects....they are fun!! :) for the rules.....
A. Accept the award and thank the person who gave it to you. ----> DONE!

B. List 10 things about yourself  -----> DONE!
    1. I'm half Malay and half Indian. :)
    2. I can barely speak Tamil but am interested in learning Mandarin...:)
    3. I am an Art & Design graduate....majored in Ceramic Design.
    4.I love surfing the net for hours.
    5. I love to drive but don't own a car :P
    6. I'm 5 feet 4 inches tall.
    7. I love the latest Mini Cooper....hope to own one someday ;)
    8. Still single... LOL! :P
    9. I love watching the food channel....AFC.
  10. I work from 9.00am till 12.00am. :P

C. List 5 additional things you DON'T like ----> DONE!
1. Long fingernails.
2. Lazy people.
3. Snakes!
4. Idiots.
5. Liars. 

Then pick ten people to give this lovely award to! -----> DONE!
So hard to I randomly pick bloggers who I like to visit :)

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