Thứ Ba, 22 tháng 2, 2011

A pink blue quilled bird


I'm so excited about this design. It's a request from my aunt actually. This birthday card is for her dear friend and ex boss hehehe! :) She wanted a birthday card with a bird on it. I am really out of ideas and I just did a simple design with the usual technique I've done before. Only this time around I made more branches and leaves but just one bird sitting on it. And the bird has an eye! A black eye with silver glitters on it...hahah...kinda funny looking though. By right it doesn't seem to make any sense how a bird can actually stay on the branch like that and not fall off of it! LOL! But in the art world....anything can happen hehe!

I also made a pop up cake inside it......a very soft color combination that would suit the colors of the card itself. Sweet pastel colors. :) I didn't print any wordings for the card but I did use a clear stamp to stamp the Happy Birthday wordings on the card. Love that one. That clear stamp is a gift from a dear friend. Thanks again CC for that clear stamp. I'll bet you've forgotten which clear stamp you have given me hehehe. So many of them actually are still not in use. No ideas coming out for them yet. Soon there will be I hope hehe!

Colorful quilled gift cards

It's all done! Yay! All the gift cards are all done and ready for delivery. They will be delivered by hand. I sure hope my customer will love them. I had a great time making them. It's so easy to do and it's all about playing with colors. 

I wish I had time to do more but time is kinda limited right now and I'm only able to make 25 pieces of them. There is one of them that is soft lilac in color but the color doesn't seem to show very well in the photos.  In the photos it looks like blue. Don't know why. This is always the case whenever I take photos of that particular color paper. :(

My favourite would be the soft blue and the yellow ochre. Love those two color combination a lot :).

Thứ Ba, 15 tháng 2, 2011

Quilled gift cards

What have I been up to lately? Well since my PC is down......I've been busy keeping up with small orders and I have also been busy doing this small project. It's an order I got from a dear friend. She has always been ordering gift cards from me. She uses them to put money in it and write in short wishes for wedding couples on their wedding day. I do the same as well if I ever go to weddings as I prefer to give money instead of giving gifts to the newlyweds. I believe they need the money more than another new iron hahaha. ;)

I've never made gift cards with quilled decos on them before so I thought of doing it this time around for her. Was planning on making multi colored gift cards, all in soft toned colors. The quilled flowers are just simple designs. Tried to make it as simple as possible coz I need to make a lot of these for her.

I'm not that happy with the color choices.....wish I can come up with some other color combination for the gift cards. I don't hate them.....I just want to do more....perhaps I can think of more sweet colors later on. :) 

Thank God my aunt let me borrow her laptop so that I can blog about this today. Until my PC is fixed, I'll be using her laptop to blog whenever I can. :) Sorry if the photos are not that clear....I used my hand phone camera to take photos of my cards these days.....from there I would email it to my own email address and then I can upload them here. It's a new experience for me and I kinda like doing new things...hehehe!

Chủ Nhật, 13 tháng 2, 2011

Black felt electric guitar


:) Finally I get to blog again here today hehehe with the help of my aunt's laptop again but but but......I'm not quite satisfied with the photos I'm sharing here with you today. Due to the problem with my PC, I am not able to upload photos I took of this new design using my digital camera...instead I had to use photos I took with my hand phone instead for this post today. The colors are not that clear and the sharpness of the photo is not up to my satisfaction either but no worries because I have kept the nice photos of this design elsewhere so that when my PC is fixed I will upload them here to replace the ones shown here today hehehe!

I've made an electric guitar before but I made it using foam can view the card I made before at the link HERE.......but this time around my customer insist that I use felt materials. I've never in my life used felt before in any of my card designs. I've never bought any before either. Luckily there are a few people who are selling them online and I managed to get in touch with one who had the colors I was looking for. Felt materials are quite expensive but I got a good bargain hehe :). So for the first time ever, I played with felt. Quite interesting really....didn't even know how to draw the pattern on it etc etc.....lucky me coz I got some tutorials from the seller herself and I successfully managed to cut out the pattern of the electric guitar. Phew! What an experience! hehe!

Another issue was how to make the pop up inside the card. I had a hard time deciding a pattern for that one. Finally I came up with this pop up music notes that popped at the top and bottom of the birthday wish. I wish I could have done more with it but didn't have any other ideas my customer insist on those colors only and must only have music notes as part of the design. Nothing else. So that's all I was allowed to add in it. I'm so glad that my customer is happy with my design! hehe! I love it too and didn't want to part with it actually huhu. Perhaps one day I'll make another one with my favorite color hehe!

Thứ Tư, 9 tháng 2, 2011

Quilling paper!!

Gosh! I feel like it has been so so so long since I last saw my blog in a big screen! For the past few days now I've been looking at it through my small hand phone screen. I tried to blog using the hand phone but it seems to be taking so long to type a few words...and I just lost my patience. :P Right now I'm at my aunt's house and blogging using her laptop. Thank God! hehe! I'm still having problems with my PC ....not sure yet when it will be resolved. :(

I just wanted to update the blog today by saying a million thanks to my dear fellow blogger Cheryl for sending me this wonderful and lovely gifts! I received it a couple of days ago. I knew she was sending me something but didn't know what it was and what a lovely surprise it is! I received two sets of Acid Free Quilling paper from her! I love love love the colors she chose for me! Even my Mom loved it too! I feel very very blessed indeed! Thank you so much Cheryl!!! :)

I haven't the slightest clue of  what I want to create with them yet......hehehe! But I'm sure I'll figure it out soon enough. At least during times away from the PC I get to create more cards in my studio and spend more time experimenting with new ideas. I really miss blogging......huhuhuhu....and I'm so happy I get to blog today! Yippeeeee! hehehe....please excuse me for being silly once in a while hehe! :D

Bubye for now......hope to blog here again soon! ;) Happy reading!!

Thứ Năm, 3 tháng 2, 2011

Printed shirts


I received an order from a customer to make a birthday card for a teacher. And she requested the card to be made with combination from a couple of my previous designs. For the front design, she wanted a design that is similar to the design I made at the link HERE where I made some origami shirts.

For the inside of the card she wanted the pop up cake from the card I made in this design HERE , but instead of making 27 candles, I was asked to make only 25 of them since the person receiving this card will be 25 years old soon.

I took so much time making this card. Reason.......because the pattern paper I needed was out of stock. So I had to find a replacement for it that matches the blue color of the card. Luckily I found this particular pattern paper and it's the only one I have! No more available....huhu. I made the shirts dark red in color instead of dark blue and it's also because I ran out of the dark blue paper. So again I had to improvise. As long as the colors matches the pattern paper. Everything on the card and inside it has to match the pattern paper.

One thing I'm loving right now is that I printed or shall I say I stamped on the shirts, a pattern that matched the swirling dots pattern on the pattern paper. I didn't stamped the whole area....just at the bottom of the shirt to give it character. I also did the same for the envelope so that it would match the card. In the previous card design there was a lot of heart shapes but she didn't want any in this one so I had to find other patterns to replace the hearts and the stamping was the one that saved the day. :)

The gifts and the balloons inside the card was a request from the customer. She wanted me to add those inside. At first I thought it was not possible because the pop up cake itself was already big, afraid there might not be enough space. Luckily they all fit! :D

Thứ Tư, 2 tháng 2, 2011

Handmade By Rina's Blog Candy

I'm so thankful that I can still blog even though I've got this problem with my PC. I'm really hoping that all this problem is just temporary so that I can do work without any worries.

Today I found out about this blog from Indonesia that's offering a blog candy I'm crazy about. Can you guess why? Well....if you didn't know yet, I'm a collector of clear stamps now. I love love love clear stamps. :D So the minute I saw the clear stamps in this candy I couldn't resist myself from entering it. It's a must do! hehe!

Wish me luck!! Click HERE is you wish to try your luck too! :)