Thứ Sáu, 29 tháng 4, 2011

Big red heart


Another combination from 2 different cards I've made sometime ago. The design of the card is from V046. The original is actually all dark red in color including the heart. But my customer wanted the card to be in black instead. So I did as per request. 

The pop up inside is from the card V014. I tried to do it exactly as the original as I can.  I did that design way back in 2009. I haven't done this design again in a long time :). So it took me a while to figure it out how to do it again...hehehe....but luckily I managed to remember how it's done.

I even made changes with the envelope......I used to make the envelopes for this size of card a little differently. But now I've made some alterations to it to make it more suitable for the card. I like how the big red heart looks on the black card. Love the contrast. :)

Thứ Tư, 27 tháng 4, 2011

Love themed birthday card


I got this order yesterday afternoon and I had to get it done and posted today.'s been a while since I took short notice orders from customers. Usually I wouldn't have done this. But since he gave me the freedom to do whatever I wanted, I excepted. Provided that the design must be a new one from me.....and it must not be something that is already available in my it had to be a fresh design from me. 

Honestly I didn't have a clue of how I was going to get it done. It's a birthday card with a love theme. He wanted it to be sweet and have lots of heart shapes in it. Of course, he also wanted a pop up inside it with the same theme.

After seriously brainstorming the ideas in my head, I finally decided to use my new heart shape craft punch set that I bought recently to do designs for the pop ups. I just love how it looks. This is the first time I've ever used a heart shape craft punch for my designs.......well, I mean a bigger size heart shape craft punch that is. Before this I would usually cut the heart shapes myself by hand. But I love using the craft punch now....coz it's so sharp and easy to use. Love playing with it. :) I was so happy that I managed to get the pop up done last night in such a short time. All thanks to the craft punches :)

I thought I was going to get inspired to do the design of the card itself in the morning but no great ideas came to my head until about 10.00am that I finally got something even though it's a simple idea but still, a simple idea is better than no idea at all hahahaha! :D So I proceeded with the idea and this is how it looks like in the end :). I've already posted the card even though my customer has not seen it yet! LOL!  He was too busy with work to check his email. He trusted me and gave me the permission to post it straight to his girlfriend.....awwww....he is so sweet! :) His girlfriend is a lucky gal! :)

Have a look at this photo above. He asked me to print this wording out in very small font and paste it at the back of the card below my logo. Isn't it sweet???? :) He must love her very very much. :)

Thứ Ba, 26 tháng 4, 2011

Love themed rubber stamps

I couldn't help myself! I just had to buy these! hehe! Another great bargain! :) I got them at the Popular Bookstore recently. Couldn't help but buy it because of the things they offered in this DIY set.

There's 4 cards, complete with it's embellishments and also of course, my favourite would be the love themed rubber stamps that comes together with it's ink :) Love them!

There were more rubber stamps collection there that I would like to buy but tried my level best to control myself and just pick the ones that I really would use for my card making experiments hehe. I just go crazy every time I go into these stores. Especially if there are good bargains around. It's just too irresistible! :D

Thứ Hai, 25 tháng 4, 2011

Love birds and weaving hearts


:) what can I say....the love birds are a favourite right now and here is another request from a customer who wanted this design to be combined with one of my pop up design I did long ago. She wanted the card to be bigger and the pop up to be like the one I made for Mother's day. You can view the design at the link HERE.

As you can see....the difference in the pop up is the colors. I had to change the colors to match the color of the card. So there is a lot of red colors used for this design. Different shades of red. :)

The card looks so empty on the outside....a  lot of space. I was thinking of doing the design again for her but still thinking of how to go about it. I thought of making the birds bigger in size but, looks like it's not possible even though the card is bigger because it just doesn't seem right if I did. It won't be able to fit in anyways....unless it's arranged horizontally instead. 

Well...I'll just have to keep on trying...experimenting with this design.....hopefully I'll find a new idea to make it look complete :).

Thứ Bảy, 23 tháng 4, 2011

Pink and blue love birds


Gosh....I don't know how many times I've been making these love birds this month. Quite a lot actually hehe! The white ones....the red ones and now....the pink and blue ones :). This is actually a request from my customer who adored the wedding love birds card. She loved the design so much but she wanted the birds to be in soft pink and soft blue, she wanted me to add those quilled hearts at the top, just like the ones I did for the cupcakes card a while back. My customers do have their own ideas and love to combine some of my designs designs from card A combined with designs from card B for instance hehe. But I loved the idea otherwise I wouldn't have agreed to do it :).

It's a very simple pop up inside at all.....just a paper inserted inside for my customer to write in her own wishes. I've actually done pink and blue love birds before but the pink and blue paper I used were a bit darker than this one. I think I prefer this soft colors compared to the darker ones I've used before. This is sweeter hehe. :)

Thứ Tư, 20 tháng 4, 2011

Elephant sponge stickers


Elephant sponge stickers! Yes! I got me another cute strip of sponge stickers! I couldn't help myself. It's just too cute for me not to buy it so I got me one for my card making experiments hehe. This one has a fabric like texture on it and it has glitters too. Love it! It's more to elephant you can see most of the stickers are of elephants. 

I made one card.....just a simple card that can be made using this stickers. And then I wrote "I love you" to suit those cute elephants hehe. I just love playing with my new toys! :) They are so cute!

Thứ Hai, 18 tháng 4, 2011

Self-cling rubber stamps

Don't you just love a good bargain? Well I do! ;) And these rubber stamps are  really a great bargain. The first time I found out about this type of rubber stamps, was when my craft buddy Miyyah gave them to me as a gift. I was super excited about them. I think I've blogged about it as well before. You can have a sneak peak of it at the link HERE. The one she gave me was a sheet of rubber stamps that mostly  had designs of wishes/wordings. It didn't have any ink pads or rubber stamp holder in the set. But this particular one that I bought had them all included in the set. I love it coz now I have the plastic holder for me to use to stick the rubber stamps on it, which makes it easier for me to stamp with. :)

They have a variety of designs to choose from and I wish I could buy them all! LOL! :D Well, I just might do that actually hahaa.....since the price is quite reasonable compared to the other brands of rubber stamps that you can get at the craft stores which  are so highly priced. Of course they are expensive because of the high quality. But then, not all of us can afford it right? ;) 

These rubber stamps are quite durable. They are not fragile and very easy to use. They stamp well too. Love them!

Lately I think I've been buying too many stuff for my card making activities. Even though I do think I should slow down on the buying and concentrate on the making, I can't help but buy them because they are such a good bargain...hehe! Gotta get them when they are still available in the market....coz once they are sold out, there's no telling when the supplier is going to restock them so, I gotta get them when I can. :).

Not sure yet what I'll do with these rubber stamps......but I sure do hope I'll get to use them this year! :D We shall see! ;)

Chủ Nhật, 17 tháng 4, 2011

Red hot love birds


One day I woke up with this idea to have these love birds red  in color on a white blank card . Not just red hot for the birds, but even for the branch, leaves, the tiny flower and the heart. :) I just wanted to see what it looks like on paper.....whether it looks the same as the idea I had in my vision or not. After completing it, I must say that it's the same as the vision I had in my head and I loved it. :) I'm not sure if others would agree as the colors are quite contrasting and the red color really pops from the white background.

I'm just experimenting with colors for this design. Trying to see what other colors would be suitable other than the colors I've done before. I must say that I really enjoy making this  particular design.  Somehow I just love the process of making it and how it looks in the end. Very therapeutic :).

New baby sponge stickers

How cute are these???? Aren't they just adorable?? I just love them! I found these recently and immediately bought a few of them for my new baby card designs. This is the first time I'm gonna be using a new kind of embellishment on my handmade cards.

These cute images are actually called sponge stickers. They are stickers that are spongy and have a 3D effect when we stick them on paper. These sponge stickers are made of plastic. There are some sponge stickers that are made of sponge and fabric like materials, but this one has a plastic layer on it.

These stickers are embellishments that are great to use during times when we run out of time to make embellishments for our handmade cards  from scratch. Sometimes we need a card right away and we just don't have a lot of  time to make one so all there is to do is get a blank card and stick this sponge sticker  on it and write down some simple wordings and it's done! You got yourself a beautiful handmade card in minutes! :) Cool! 

I can't wait to use them! ;)

Thứ Sáu, 15 tháng 4, 2011

Wishing I could steal your heart too...


As you can see, this card design is not a new one....but what's new about it is that I've added a pop up inside it as per request from my customer. He loved the design of the card but  it didn't have anything inside it and so I suggested to him that I do a pop up that is similar to the design I made for the card V034. Yes, lately, I've been doing a lot of pop ups of that particular design since so many fancy the design a lot :).

Of course I had to match the design of the pop up with the colors available on the card. And so that's how it all started. So now I've got a blue version, black version and a red version of the pop up. :)

He requested that I write the wordings inside the card with my own handwriting. :) I always get nervous when my customers request me to do that, because one tiny mistake will spoil the whole thing and I would have to redo the whole pop up. So I gotta make sure that I have a steady hand whenever I need to write the wordings. Must make sure I had enough to eat otherwise, my hands would be shaking hahaha. ;).

Thứ Hai, 11 tháng 4, 2011

Love birds with pop up


Excited! Why? Because now my love birds card has a pop up in it hehehe....thanks to the request I got from my customer. If it wasn't for her, the card would be empty inside like the original one I made a while back. Have a look at the original design here -  W014.

I've been making this design so many times much so that I've perfected the shape of the birds by now. Now, I'm happy with the shape. It's slimmer and suits the head of the bird itself. If you look at the original design that I made many months back, the body of the bird is so big and chubby hehehe..... :D I love how the loose circles in the body of the bird forms like the shape of it's wings. :)

The pop up inside the card is actually the same kind of pop up I made for the card V034. For that card I made the color of the pop up in blue shades.....but for this card I made the pop up color more to black shades to match the card, as requested by my customer and not forgetting the printed wordings inside it too :)

Thứ Bảy, 9 tháng 4, 2011

Quilled designs in tool box

I received an unusual request recently from a customer who wanted a variety of quilled designs in a tool box. I had trouble finding the exact same tool box like the one I've shown here in my blog a while ago as it was out of stock at the shop. I had to search for another type that would be suitable for this order. Finally I found one that is suitable to be used to store quilled designs in it. Although it looks smaller but the amount of quilled designs that can be filled up in it surprised me. I love this tool box better than the one I bought earlier because of the space it gives me especially if I wanted to keep bigger quilled designs in it. It's wonderful :).

I decorated the tool box with paper flowers and leaves on top of it to hide some text embossed on the tool box itself. :) The tool box is actually a tool box for putting in fishing tools hehehe. But it's great for  storing quilled designs as well! ;)

For this order, I get to do some new quilled designs that I've never done before for instance like the quilled ladybugs, quilled sunflowers, quilled fringed flowers and multicolored quilled butterflies. I made so many  mini teddy bears....altogether 27 of them in 3 different color brown paper. About 200 pieces of leaves.....more than 50 multicolored roses.....15 butterflies.....11 ladybugs, 40 multicolored heart shapes, and definitely more than 50 pieces of other different types of flowers. Phew! One tool box filled with quilled designs like this can  be used to produce so many different card designs :).

Making these quilled designs was a good experience for me and I really hope my customer will love what I have created for her. I felt really sad to see it go actually...hehehe.....I wish I could keep it for myself. LOL! I think I should get another one of this tool box and make the same quilled designs for myself hehehehe..... ;)