Thứ Năm, 15 tháng 12, 2011

From red to blue

HB076 (Blue card)

This design is actually a design I've made before but the original one was in a different combination of colours. You can view the old design here --> HB076. I made that design last year. I received an order to make the exact same design except I was asked to change the colours according to my customer's preference and I kinda like the colours too :). It's from a red card to a blue card.

I changed the pop up inside a bit as well. The original one was made with the weaving part a lot longer and this one I shortened it a bit. Perhaps you can spot the difference if you look closely :).

It's nice sometimes to revisit the old designs and get the chance to do it again. Brings back the memories of the earlier times when I started learning how to quill and this technique was the easiest ones to do for me at the time. ;)

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