Thứ Bảy, 4 tháng 12, 2010

Ready for delivery!

Yes!!! They are all done!! All 11 quilled teddy bear cards are done and ready for delivery! :) I'm so happy! All I need to do now is make the pink envelopes. Easy.. :). I plan on doing the delivery either tomorrow or on Monday. I really hope all the cards will reach the winners safely. I hate it if it gets lost along the way or anything like that. It would be such a waste. So hopefully the winners have given me the correct address so that it will be a smooth delivery.

I really enjoyed making the teddy bears. So much fun! No more pink teddy bears left in my collection.......I need to make more after this hehehe. :) I must say, stamping the wordings is really nice. I like stamping now. It's fast, easy and you can never go wrong with it. :) 

Well gotta go.....I'm off to make the envelopes now. :) 

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